Leaf Rust

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"So, you grew up upstate?" She recalls and and I nod.

"Yeah, pretty normal life." I confirm.

"Compared to?" She pushes.

"The life of Scarlett Johansson." I point out with a small smirk. She rolls her eyes as her lips pull into a smile.

"Ha ha, you're so funny." She teases before narrowing her gaze on me. "I don't believe you." She informs me confidently.

I shrug. "That's fine I guess." I offer and she grumbles.

"Really? Nothing?" She asks and I smirk.

"If there's something you'd like to ask go ahead." I suggest and she purses her lips. This is new. This...banter?

"What was your childhood like?" She asks finally and I grin.

"Like I said, normal." I tease and she softly glares at me. "Okay fine. I grew up in a small town, normal family. A mom, dad and sister. I liked school and was best friends with Sam, still am. I enjoyed art and writing. I was in band and chorus. That's about it." I shrug and she nods.

"So you were an artsy kid." She comments and I nod.

"I played soccer too though." I share despite not really wanting to at all.

"Artsy and active. I guess that makes sense with the daily gym visits and coffee shop." She decides and I nod before sipping my wine.

"What about you? What was your childhood like?" I ask to get the attention off of me.

"Well, I knew I wanted to be an actress from a young age. I was a child actor so that was definitely different. My grandfather was a director and mom was a producer. I have a bunch of siblings and a twin brother. I always knew what I wanted and I went after it." She shares as she plays with her napkin in her hands.

"And look where that got you." I state simply and she looks up to share a smile.

"I guess it turned out pretty great." She whispers and goosebumps rise on my skin at the raspy tone.

"Thanks for lunch." I speak up after a few seconds of eye contact. I sit up straighter and take a breath before finishing off my wine. She slipped her card before I could even ask to go halfsies.

"Thanks for coming. It was fun." She returns easily.

"So, I'll see you Monday." I state simply as we both stand.

"What about tomorrow?" She asks and I look up quickly.

"Uh what?" I ask. Is she asking me to hang out?

"At the shop?" She reminds me and I nod.

"Right." I confirm. We walk to the the exit and I hold the door open for her.

"Fuck." She whispers to herself and I look around to figure out what she's swearing at. I notice the cameras and quickly turn to put the sunglasses on that were hanging off my shirt. I don't think they will help since they already have pictures of my face but whatever. I push her closer to her car with my free hand on the small of her back to shield her from the flashes and she slides into the car after shuffling through a few bodies in her way.

"I'm sorry." She offers as I lean down to say goodbye and I shrug before closing the door. I tap the top of the car and they drive off. I quickly walk away from all the commotion, not wanting anything to do with the paparazzi. My heart beats wildly in my chest at all the craziness that just happened. I haven't had to deal with that level of attention in a while.

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