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I sit awkwardly as Scarlett tries to formulate a response. Children are smarter than we think they are. "Uh, we can talk about that later Rose. We have to head home." Scar decides and Rose nods. She pulls me into a hug and I smile.

"Thank you for helping me Y/N." She whispers and my heart warms.

"I'm always here to talk Rose." I assure her and she grins cutely. She reaches to her moms shoulder to pet Otis who jumps off of in favor of receiving love from the child. Scarlett stands and I mirror her movement before following her to the door. She slips on her shoes and unties Rose's sneakers for her. "You okay?" I whisper when I notice how deep in thought she is. She nods and I accept that she may not want to talk about it with me.

"Rose, baby. Come get your shoes on." She calls and Rose follows easily. I give them both hugs and I freeze when Scarlett kisses my cheek out of nowhere as she pulls away from our hug. I clear my throat and wave to Rose as they descend the stairs. What the fuck is going on? I sigh and lock my door before becoming a blanket burrito in my bed to go to sleep.

The rest of the week is pretty uneventful. She comes in, gets her coffee, we walk to the gym together then go our separate ways. I get some work done for the shop and we text here and there. She's been pretty tight lipped about her family drama and I let her be, knowing it can be hard to talk about, especially with someone so new in her life.

Music night was a hit even though Rose and Scar couldn't come. They had some sort of movie night planned as a family. It only hurt my heart a little bit. Today is Saturday and we are getting lunch together. She texted me the address of an Italian place to meet at and I make sure to wear some sunglasses. She never mentioned the pictures but I really don't want to give her any reason to not want to be in public with me.

I walk into the restaurant and tell the hostess the fake ass name before I'm escorted to the back of the place. I smile when I see her and she stands up to give me a tight hug. "Hi, Y/N." She greets softly and it sends shivers down my spine.

"Hi, Scar." I return before she pulls away, one hand sliding to my neck before she sits back down. My brain short circuits for a moment as I watch her act completely normal. Did she even realize? I shake my head and move to push her chair in before sitting down in my chair. Her smile is so bright today and it makes me feel really happy.

"So how was your Friday night?" She asks as some bread is set down on our table.

"Oh so fun. I cuddled with my cat and binge watched criminal minds." I share. "You?"

"Oh uh, we had a game night." She offers and I nod. We sit in silence for a few beats as I butter my bread.

"So, how is suing Disney going?" I ask and bite into my bread. She laughs and I smile at the fact I could make her laugh.

"It's going. That's all I can say." She says mysteriously.

"Honestly, I think it's awesome. Stick it to the man." I cheer and she giggles into her hand.

"Shhh, you're such a dork." She teases through her laughs. I shrug and watch as she gets a hold of herself.

"You aren't eating the bread." I state the obvious.

"I don't eat dairy." She shares and I nod.

"Bread isn't dairy." I point out.

"Butter is." She reminds me and I narrow my eyes teasingly.

"More for me then." I'd decide and blush at the amused smile on her lips.

"I'm sorry, about... a lot." She starts and I give her a confused look as I nervous-eat the bread. "For the divorce talk and basically forcing you to talk to Rose about it. I pushed and it was selfish of me." She explains and I frown.

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