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Tuesday mornings aren't usually my favorite, but today it is. How could it not be when I get to watch Scarlett wake up with adorable messy hair and a confused pout on her lips. "Good morning sleepyhead." I greet quietly and watch as she smiles tiredly.

"Good morning...we fell asleep on the couch." She realizes and I nod. "Rose." She realizes but I hold her in place before she freaks out.

"Auntie Lizzie has it covered. We can head to your house and check on them when you'd like though." I explain.

"Wait, she didn't bring her to school?" She asks.

"Oh...I guess not." We share an amused smile before she leans down to kiss me sweetly.

She pulls away before speaking again, "Rose is a lucky duck...first Auntie Lizzie keeps her home from school and soon she'll get to see her favorite person." She whispers and I grin.

"She's my favorite person too." I share easily.

"What about me?" She whines and pouts. Oh shit.

"I mean, my favorite person after you of course." I amend and she rolls her eyes playfully before pecking my lips. We get up and get dressed in some of my comfy clothes before we walk to her townhouse to see the Little bean. It's extremely hard to not hold her hand but it's still nice to stroll leisurely with her.

When we open the door we share a smile at the sound of Rose giggling, instantly creating a happy atmosphere. I follow her up the steps and smile at the sight of Rose standing on a chair pushed up against the kitchen counter while she watches Lizzie chopping fresh vegetables.

"Mama! Y/N!" She squeals and bounces on her toes when she sees us walk into the room. I watch as Scarlett runs over to her daughter, excited to see her. I lean on the doorway and watch the exchange as Scar kisses her little forehead and Rose giggles adorably.

"Y/N, good to see you." Lizzie greets once she wipes her hands and walks up to me to pull me into a hug. My attention shifts from the mom and daughter to greet my friend.

"Hi Liz, thanks for watching the little flower." She grins as she pulls away with a glint in her eye.

"Of course, I'm glad to see that smile...everything okay?" She checks and I nod.

"Everything is sorted." I confirm and laugh when I feel little arms tighten around my leg.

"Y/N Y/N! I missed you!" Rose greets, she leans back so I can crouch down to pull her into a proper hug.

"I missed you too little bean, did you have fun with Auntie Lizzie?" I ask with my full attention on the bubbly child.

I push some hair out of her face as she stands in front of me. "Yes! Auntie Lizzie made me waffles and and and now we are making salad!" She informs me, her little body so excited that she has to take a deep breath.

"That sounds amazing, Rose. Are you going to share your salad with me?" I ask and she nods quickly.

"Of course, I'll share anything with you!" She confirms before turning and running back to her chair. She climbs up and I watch and Scar helps her stand. I smile at the way her eyes stay on her daughter and combs her fingers through her hair. Lizzie returns to her task and I watch the three intently.

As if she can feel my gaze, Scar looks up and we share a soft smile. I blush and drop my gaze to my shuffle feet before deciding to join them in the kitchen. I wash my hands and help Lizzie out with preparing the salad without question. Scar and Rose relocate to the living room for a good cuddle and so Rose can catch her mom up on her time with her favorite Aunt. It's insanely adorable and I almost cut my finger with how distracted I am watching the pair.

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