Cup of Joe

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This morning I am a little more nervous for work compared to most days because today I know for a fact I'll be going to the gym with Scarlett. I know we figured out our tension...kind of, but I'm still a little wary of the woman. She has too much power over me and I don't even think she knows it. It's like she ignored that I kissed her willingly.

When I get to work Lucy is already there setting up and I smile to myself. She really showed me that she can take care of the shop without any problems in the last week. I'm really proud of the little shit.

"Hey boss!" She greets.

"Hey Lucy." I return easily before we get into our groove. The morning rush proves to be as annoying as always but once the caffeine addicts are gone I have a minute to doodle on a napkin for Scarlett. She really wanted her special napkins so I guess I'll do it for her. I sigh when I realize I'm going back on my no simp rule.

The insanity that lives within the world knows no boundaries, just as the chaos that reigns within our hearts. (J. Iron word, Live loud, love loud, pg 44)

I look up when she comes in and stand to type in her order. I have to refrain from reacting to how hot she looks in her leggings and tight ass shirt to greet her. "Hey Scarlett."

"Hey Joey." She greets and I tilt my head in confusion.

"Who's Joey?" I ask as she pays for her coffee and Lucy starts to make it.

"It's my new nickname for you. Since you make cups of joe every day...Joey." She explains and smiles down at the napkin I hand to her. I watch as she reads it carefully.

"I guess Joey is okay...or Jo. Either one." I concede and she grins as she looks up from her napkin.

"Good. Ready for the gym?" She asks and I offer a half smile at her excitement.

"I am." I confirm before turning to grab my bag. I walk around the counter and we share a soft smile before heading to the door. I push it open and lean against it so she can exit and wave to Lucy before following Scarlett. We fall into step side by side and we walk in silence for a few blocks. I shift to reach into my bag for some sunglasses and slip them on for the remainder of our walk.

"Um, thank you." She speaks up when we are about a block away.

"For what?" I ask and look to my side.

"For hearing me out last night. And for wearing sunglasses." She explains and I nod.

"If it makes you comfortable that I wear them and we can still be friends, then it's a small price to pay." I decide and she smiles sadly before turning her attention to the gym door we just reached. I open it up for her before she can and she squeezes my forearm in thanks as she passes. I head to the locker room to get in my gym clothes as she greets her trainer.

We do our separate work outs until I notice her lingering by the door but not leaving. I finish my set of bicep curls before setting down the dumbbell and grabbing my water and towel. I walk over and smile when she notices I'm walking towards her. "Hey, you okay?" I ask and she nods as she rubs her lips together between her teeth. I wipe off my face as she answers.

"I uh...Rose misses you. So, do you want to go to the park with us today after school?" She asks and my heart melts at the thought of her adorable daughter.

"I'd love to. I need to go shower first though." I agree.

"Yeah me too. Um. Meet me at my place once you're ready?" She asks and I nod. We both shuffle awkwardly not knowing how to end the conversation.

Coffee Shop Napkins ~ Scarlett Johansson Where stories live. Discover now