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We unfortunately had to leave my bed but I'm not too mad about it considering I get to see Rose and take her to the stars today. We didn't get much sleep but I'm too happy to care. I get distracted as I'm pulling on some jeans when two warm hands slide onto my stomach.

I take a sharp inhale of breath when her lips connect to the skin of my spine. "Babe, I won't be able to leave if you keep that up." I warn.

"I don't see the issue?" She teases and continues her soft kisses around my naked back.

"I promised Rose." I remind her and she sighs.

"Fuck, you being cute with Rose is worth the no sex I guess." She decides and opens my dresser to find a shirt for me. I check the time on my watch and unfortunately we don't have more time to get back in bed so I turn to rest my hands on her cheeks, forcing her attention back to me.

I smile at how quickly her attention switches, her eyes staring deep into mine. She matches my small smile and reaches up to grab my wrists gently. "I'm sorry that I'm stealing Rose away for the day and that we won't be together the entire day, but I promise we will be home for dinner and a movie." I whisper and she nods, her gaze dropping to my lips as she pushes up onto her toes to kiss me softly.

She pulls away so I reach down to zip my jeans and watch as she picks out a simple black shirt. "Here you go." She decides cheerfully and I tilt my head at her excitement. "It's my shirt...the one I let you steal." She explains and I grin.

"It's perfect then." I decide. I slip on some converse and grab a light coat since the weather is getting chiller lately. When I turn, Scarlett is still searching through my clothes so I watch in interest. She finds a random shirt and some black sweatpants and throws them onto my bed.

I watch as she moves around my room trying to find her discarded bra and underwear and smirk when she comes up empty handed. "Looking for something?" I ask and she nods but doesn't look at me. I laugh to myself and drop to my knees to reach under the chair in the corner to get her bra and look under my bed for her lacy thong. I present them to her happily and she rolls her eyes playfully.

Once we are both ready to go, we start the walk to her townhouse.

"My lawyer called this morning..." She starts and squeezes my hand between both of hers. I look to my side down at her briefly as I guide us through the busy sidewalk.

"Yeah?" I ask when she doesn't elaborate.

"Yeah, everything is pretty straight forward. Colin isn't fighting it so I guess he found what he's looking for." She shrugs and I frown. I shift to wrap my arm around her back, setting my hand on her hip possessively.

"Well he's dumb. I'm glad we don't have to think about him anymore." I try to cheer her up and she offers a small smile. I know this isn't easy for her, even if she is in love with me now. Divorce sucks all around.

"I'm glad that we both stay out of the media." She states simply.

"It definitely makes things easier that we don't give a shit." I shrug and she nods. Out of sight out of mind really does work. I was never one to look into any social media or gossip and I won't be starting now. Like Scarlett has said, I know what the truth is and that's all that matters. Unbothered is the way to go.

We make it to her house and she hums in thought. "What if...you moved in?" She drops on me and I freeze.

"Um...we uh. We just started dating?" I remind her and she shrugs.

"I guess you're right...but I mean it isn't uncommon for lesbians to move in together right?" She teases lightly, a small smirk on her face.

"I don't want to confuse Rose. She doesn't even know yet." I recall and she sighs.

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