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"Y/N!" Rose squeals and runs to the counter as Scarlett walks behind her.

"Hi little bean!" I greet and hold my fist out for her to bump. "Hello, Scarlett." I greet as she stands next to her daughter and combs her fingers through Rose's hair. I smile softly at the interaction. She's such a good mom.

"Hi Y/N. Someone was very excited to come with me today. We're having a mommy daughter day." She explains and I grin.

"That sounds so fun. That means Rosie gets a special chocolate chip muffin." I declare and Lucy warms it up for me. "What else would you like Rosie?" I ask and she hums in thought.

"Do you have lemonade?" She asks and I smile.

"We do. One lemonade coming right up. I'll get your usual too, Scarlett." I tell her and she looks down to the card reader that doesn't have her order on it.

"You didn't put it in the register." She reminds me as I make her coffee.

"Huh weird." I shrug and she quirks an eyebrow at me. I find the napkin I designed earlier and smile.

What I have come to know is, it is not where we look for love that matters the most or even at all, but where and when love chooses to find us. (J. Iron word, pg 17).

I hand over her coffee with the napkin and Lucy gives Rose her lemonade with a lid on it. "Y/N can you sit with us and color?" Rose requests.

"Well, I think since it's a special day I can." I agree easily wanting to make her mommy daughter day special. "If that's okay with mom." I add on and look to Scarlett.

"Of course, whatever the child wants." She teases and I smirk. I grab some crayons and follow them over to a table in the corner.

"So, Rose what else are you doing today?" I ask to get her talking so I don't have time to think about Scarlett. I take out a green crayon and start to draw stems.

"We are going to play at the park and get ice cream and and and we are going to see a movie!" She explains excitedly. "Mommy you have to draw the petals." She directs Scarlett who is observing as I draw.

"Oh okay." She agrees and picks up pink and purple crayons. She focuses on drawing petals on my stems so I continue to draw them and add in some grass.

"That sounds really fun, little bean." I offer and she nods. "You have some chocolate on your face." I tell her and pick up Scarlett's napkin.

"Hey, that's mine." She reminds me and I look down at it.

"Oh sorry." I set it back down and pull another one out of my apron. "Here you go." I whisper and wipe off Rose's nose and the corners of her lips.

"Thank you Y/N." She responds sweetly.

"Of course, no problem." I answer before going back to coloring. One she's done her muffin she draws some tree trunks that I add leaves onto.

"What's your favorite ice cream?" Rose asks.

"Hmmm, I like strawberry cheesecake from Ben and Jerry's." I share easily.

"I like cookie dough!" She squeals and I smile.

"What about you Scar?" I ask and she looks up from her serious coloring.

"Oh um. I like vanilla." She shares. "In a waffle cone." She adds on.

"Wow, so adventurous." I tease and she shares an amused smile with me.

"Sometimes she will get sprinkles." Rose shares and I turn my attention over to the child drawing a dog.

Coffee Shop Napkins ~ Scarlett Johansson Where stories live. Discover now