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Did I go home and blast and emo playlist after music night? Maybe. But am I going to get emotional about a married woman?...Also yes but whatever. It's not like I have any right to feel any type of way about her. I'm still going to doodle on her napkins since she likes it so much and now Rose is my friend so it's not like the night was a complete failure. What did I even think was going to happen? She'd leave her husband on the spot? This is real life Y/N, get a grip.

So here I am, minding my business the next day behind the counter. I finish up my doodle and make sure everything is spelled right in the poem before setting it over near the pick up counter.

I have learned not to trust my eyes, for they only show me what I can see. (J. Iron word, Live loud, Love loud, Page 5)

"So, how was last night?" Lucy asks once the last customer is taken care of.

"Well, I colored with her and her daughter and now Rose and I are friends. Then her husband came and I fled." I explain and she nods in understanding.

"What did you color?" She asks.

"The table cloth. We were creating a garden. I have it folded up to bring home." I share easily.

"Awww are you going to put it on your fridge?" She teases and I glare at her.

"No...but the flower we drew together might be framed who knows." I mumble and she giggles at my simp behavior. I stand up right before she walks in to the shop and wait for her at the register.

"Morning Y/N." She greets kindly and I smile.

"Good morning, Miss...uh Scarlett." I correct myself and she nods with a smile on her face. "The usual?" I ask and she nods again. She's not a very talkative person I guess. I hand off her cup to Lucy to make her beverage so I can try to talk to her.

"Thank you again for being so sweet to Rose. She couldn't stop talking about her new friend last night." She shares after she pays.

"Of course. She's a sweet kid. I can't wait to color with her again." I share easily and her small smile grows.

"I'm sure she would like that. Uh, maybe if uh. If you wanted to you could come to the park with us or something. She really wants to see you again." She rambles awkwardly and my heart sores.

"Oh uh yeah! That would be fun. Just let me know." I agree and take her finished coffee to hand to her. I hand over her napkin as well and she smiles as she looks down at it before waving softly and heading out. I turn to Lucy and notice a small smirk on her face. "What?" I ask unimpressed.

"Of course Scarlett, anything for you Scarlett, have my babies Scarlett." She teases in a high pitched voice.

"I don't sound like that! And I said nothing even close to that!" I defend and throw a dirty towel at her.

"The words didn't leave your lips but your eyes were saying something." She continues to tease and I sigh in frustration.

"Whatever. I'm going to the gym." I decide and grab my bag from the back. "The snacks for the book club are all set up in the fridge." I remind her and she throws me a thumbs up as I turn to exit. I take my time walking to the gym, kind of nervous to see her there. Am I like allowed to talk to her outside of the shop? Are we like, acquaintances? I don't know how to like...make friends and be normal. Especially with a celebrity. Usually, I don't really care who I'm talking to, celebrity or not, but she's way too gorgeous to think straight.

I keep my eyes straight ahead as I head to the locker room to try to not distract myself if she is here. I go to my spot and go through my Friday workout easily with music blasting in my ears. I jump though when a hand is set on my shoulder as I change the song on my phone. I take out my AirPod when I realize it's her. "I'm so sorry I uh. I didn't mean to scare you." She apologizes.

Coffee Shop Napkins ~ Scarlett Johansson Where stories live. Discover now