Hand Picking

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"Okay I'm here and I brought tequila." Sam announces herself before pausing to look at me. "Okay what the fuck happened?" She asks.

"Well...Flo came, we kissed, she left. Then apparently she called Scarlett and told her." I start.

"Wait, don't tell me Scarlett came here." She interrupts as she moves my legs so she can sit down.

"She did. She came in yelling at me about it like a crazy ex girlfriend and we fought and then she asked me to kiss her." I explain as I talk with my hands. Otis sleeps on my chest as Sam stares down at me.

"I'm so confused." She states and I sigh. Yeah so am I and my poor kitten child.

"Yeah me too. Can we just drink and dance it out?" I request.

"Sure thing. Drink up." She passes over the tequila and I grin. We both love Grey's Anatomy and adopted Cristina and Meredith's tradition. I carefully move Otis to the top of the couch before getting up and take a swig of alcohol. Sam finds my speaker and starts playing random music before  joining me in the middle of the room to jump around like idiots.

Needless to say, I wake up the next morning feeling like absolute shit. I have to get up to get ready for lunch with Lizzie which should be pretty interesting. Hey Lizzie, I kissed both of your friends yesterday. I throw on some jeans and a simple back t-shirt as Sam snores on my couch. I smile...she's the best. I slip on the sunglasses Scarlett gave me and some shoes before heading out.

I text Lizzie that I'm on my way to the restaurant she chose and make my way there. Although I know I have a headache from drinking too much, I can't help but think it's because of how fucking confused I am. I give the hostess the fake name Lizzie texted me and she leads me over to a secluded table in the back. "Someone had a rough night." Lizzie comments when she stands to hug me.

"You have no idea...also thanks for the hug I needed it." I mention as we both sit. The waitress comes over to take my order and I peek up at Lizzie as I think about what I should get to drink.

"She will have a Bloody Mary and some pancakes." She decides and I grin. I nod in confirmation and our waitress leaves to put our order in. "So...why are you a mess?" she asks and I snort out a laugh.

"Well. Flo came over last night." I remind her and she smirks. "We played some music and then she kissed me." I rip off the bandaid and her jaw drops.

"Wait...what?" She responds and I nod.

"Yeah, I was surprised too." I confirm and smile at the waitress who sets down my drink. Lizzie sips on her water as I take a few sips of my Bloody Mary and rub at my temples.

"So...you kissed. Then what?" She asks.

"She apologized, reminded me she has a boyfriend, then ran out of my place." I summarize and Lizzie offers a sad smile.

"Uh...can I...confess something?" She asks and I narrow my eyes at her.

"Please don't kiss me." I request seriously and she laughs loudly. I smile at her reaction and watch until she calms down.

"Oh god no. I um. I might have...encouraged Flo to I don't know...show interest?" She reveals and I tilt my head in confusion.

"Why would you do that? She has a boyfriend." I ask wanting to know what the fuck Lizzie is up to. This woman is so fucking sneaky.

"Because I thought it would make another blonde realize her obvious feelings for you." She whispers and I swallow harshly.

"You wanted to make Scarlett jealous?" I clarify and she nods. "Well then...you'll like the rest of the story." I comment.

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