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November 2021: American Cinematheque Awards

"You okay?" Scar asks as we pull up to the red carpet.

"Uh, sure." I decide and she smiles softly.

"I know this is very new to you, but I'm here, I'll be here the entire time." She assures me and I nod. I smooth out my outfit and take a deep breath before exiting the car, holding out my hand for her to take and leading her onto the carpet. Her million dollar smile stuns me for a moment when she looks at me but I return it, finding the comfort I needed in her touch as she wraps her arm around my lower back.

People are shouting at us to look a million different ways but I can't stop looking at her. This is the first time we are attending an event as a couple. I might be very anxious but then Scarlett squeezes my hand or shoots me a look to remind me that she's here. My life might change a little bit after tonight, but I don't care. As long as I'm by her side.

We make it to some media outlets to do interviews so I stand quietly to her side and let her do her job. My hand rests comfortably on the small of her back as she greets the first person waiting to get the chance to talk to her.

"Scarlett! It's been so long since we've seen you on a carpet, how are you feeling?" The interview asks with their attention on my girlfriend.

"I'm feeling good! Yeah, wow, I guess it has been like two years." She recalls.

"It has, the last time we saw you there was someone very different on your arm." They hint and I blush.

"A lot can change in two years but you know...I'm happy and that's all that matters." She shrugs before looking up at me to smile. I smile back and she scrunches her nose before turning back to give the interviewer her attention.

"What is your lovely date's name?" The interview asks. Oh right, people don't know who the fuck I am.

"Uh hi, I'm Y/N YL/N, it's very nice to meet you." I offer and hold out my arm for an elbow bump. It earns a laugh but I don't think they are laughing at me. Covid is still a thing despite the no mask thing.

"Very polite, tell us more." They ask and Scarlett looks up to me.

"Well uh. I don't know, I think I'm pretty boring, or at least I was before I met Scarlett." I tease and she rolls her eyes playfully.

"Y/N is a business owner, and she plays guitar." Scarlett offers a little insight and I nod in conformation.

"Oh very nice, and how is your daughter?" The interviewer pivots.

"She's great! She loves that I've been home to hang out with her all the time even though she can be pretty independent. She loves Y/N though." Scar adds on and I smile at how her love for Rose radiates out of her.

"Rose is just like her mom. Kind, driven, incredibly smart, and she knows her worth. She has a great mom." I share, my attention on the interviewer.

"Wow Scar, I see why you keep her around." She teases and Scar giggles as she reaches up to rub at my cheek with her thumb. We wrap up the interview soon after to repeat the process, similar questions thrown our way until we get inside for the presentation.

Kevin Feige presents her award and teases a marvel project not related to black widow that's in the works, so I look over to my girlfriend with interest. She avoids my gaze with a coy smile before getting up to accept her award. She thanks her family and team before locking eyes with me. "And thank you to the person that showed me what it feels like to be right side up. I love you baby." She concludes, causing a blush to fill my cheeks and chest.

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