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My leg bounces as I sit on the bench next to her, our conversation dying after the sunglasses thing. I watch Rose play tag with a few other kids as we sit in silence. It's not uncomfortable but its not comfortable either. I smile as Rose runs up to us.

"Y/N! Can you play tag with me?" she asks sweetly and I nod.

"Of course, little bean. Tag you're it!" I tease and get up to run away. I smile as I hear the laughter behind me as Rose chases me around the outside of the play structure. She eventually catches up to me and yells tag you're it, so I turn to try to catch her. Little shit is fast though. I run by Scarlett who seems unbothered by the intense showdown going down right now. When I catch up to Rose after she jukes me like 5 times, I scoop her up into my arms and spin her around.

She giggles wildly as she wiggles to try to get away. I set her down and lean down before flopping onto the ground, way too tired from all the running. "Are you tired, Y/N?" Rose asks and sits down next to me.

"I am, I should be in shape but running is a lot." I explain as she runs her fingers over the cut grass.

"I like playing tag, it's fun. Colin never plays tag with me. He's always working." She mumbles and I frown at the sadness in her tone.

"I'm sorry, bean. I'll play tag with you." I offer and she smiles.

"Cool." She states simply. "I'm going to go play on the monkey bars now." She decides before getting up and running off. I sigh and get up to walk back over to the bench where Scarlett is still sitting.

"Thank you." She whispers and I give her a confused look. "For being so good with Rose. She tends to be a little shy around people she doesn't know." She shares and I hum in thought as I look back the little girl playing with other kids.

"She seems to get along with other kids." I point out.

"Yeah, she does. It's adults that she's more reserved around. I uh. I can't really blame her though with her dad and I." She sighs and I frown when she runs her fingers through her hair.

"I'm sorry." I offer and she shakes her head.

"No, don't apologize you didn't do anything. She struggles with Colin even though we've been together for a while. I mean we're married so you'd think she'd warm up to him but, it's been a battle." She shares and I think about how maybe she needs someone to talk to about this if she's opening up to me about it.

"Hm, well. When my parents got divorced I remember feeling like I was being pulled in two different directions. And when my Mom started seeing someone new it felt like another adult I had to try to figure out. It can be confusing for a kid, but I remember just wanting to talk about it with my Mom. And once I did, I felt better." I offer and she nods in understanding as I tell her a little bit about my own experience.

"She's been through a lot. I feel like a horrible mom sometimes." She whispers and I frown.

"You aren't a bad mom just because you got divorced. You did what you needed to do to be happy. She'll understand. And she'll get used to Colin. Just talk to her." I suggest and her lips grow into a half smile.

"Thanks Y/N. You're kind of good at this." She comments.

"Good at what?" I ask.

"I don't know...being a friend? I guess?" She asks as her gaze drops to her lap.

"Oh, yeah. Uh, sometimes. Although my friend Sam would say I'm a bitch." I add on and smile when she laughs.

"She was the one at the music night, yeah?" She asks and I nod.

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