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I'd like to say I spent my weekend doing something productive but I'd be lying. I've been glued to my Nintendo switch playing animal crossing. Sam thinks I'm addicted and she may have a point. But, I've also had a lot of time to think about my predicament with a certain actress.

I've come to the conclusion that even though the cons are really serious and scary, I'd rather take the risk and follow my heart. So, I'm going to tell Scarlett that I'm all in today when she comes to the shop. I think it will go well.

So, I take my Sunday morning stroll leisurely with a huge smile on my face. I swear the birds are chirping louder and the flowers are even more pretty today. Scarlett has continued to be respectful in giving me space so I haven't heard much from her since Thursday night. I greet Lucy and let her know that she and Jack will be getting raises for how much they have stepped up recently. She is really excited about it.

Our morning rush is the same old same old and leaves me time to write out today's poem for my Cherry.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but one look at hers and you are left without any. (J. Iron Word, Live Loud, Love Loud, pg 110)

I think everyone can agree with this...I mean have you seen Scarlett Johansson? The bell to the shop gains my attention and I stand quickly in excitement. I'm momentarily surprised by the trio of blondes and smile awkwardly when I realize Flo is with my Little Bean and Cherry. "Y/N! Auntie Flo came to visit!" Rose informs me as she grabs onto the counter to peek over it.

"I see that little bean, Hi Flo." I greet and start typing in Scarlett and Rose's orders.

"Hey Y/N, it's good to see you again." She greets back  and I nod awkwardly. We have chatted here and there but the last time I saw her we kissed so uh...weird.

"Black tea with cream?" I ask and she nods, a polite smile on her face. "Hi Scarlett." I greet when she inserts her card into the reader. I can't help the smile on my face when I think about what I really want to tell her.

"Hey Y/N." She greets back nonchalantly and my smile drops only slightly. She didn't even look up to greet me. Uh...weird. Rose tugs Flo over to her favorite table and leaves her mother to wait for their drinks.  My smile widens a little when she looks up at me finally and thankfully she returns the smile for a few seconds. " you want to come over tonight? To talk?" She asks and my heart drops.

"Oh yeah...I actually have something to talk to you about too." I inform her and she nods once. Well this is awkward.

Lucy sets their drinks down onto the counter as I hand Scarlett her napkin and she takes her coffee and Flo's tea. I grab Rose's cocoa and chocolate chip muffin to help her out and set them in front of Rose. "Y/N, I'm so happy!" Rose informs me and I grin at how she bounces in her seat.

"Yeah? Why's that?" I ask and slip into the free seat between Rose and Scarlett. I briefly wonder if Scarlett left this seat open on purpose.

"I get to see Auntie Flo and Auntie Lizzie now!" She exclaims and I nod.

"That is really awesome. How long are you in town Flo?" I direct towards the tiny blonde.

"Only for a few days. So I have to spend as much time as I can with this little nugget." She teases as she ruffles Rose's hair.

"Lizzie texted, said we are doing dinner and dancing this Friday." Scarlett informs me and I nod. Well, I guess that means whatever she wants to talk about can't be that bad if that's still in our plans.

"Ooooh that sounds fun!" Flo comments and I nod.

"Can I come mama?" Rose asks and gives Scarlett her best puppy dog eyes.

Coffee Shop Napkins ~ Scarlett Johansson Where stories live. Discover now