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"You look gorgeous." I whisper and ignore the giggle from my brunette friend behind me.

"You look...breathtaking." She lands on as her eyes scan my body.

"For you." I explain and hand over the bouquet.

"Thank you." She responds as we get lost in each other's eyes.

"Uh hi, I'm Hunter." A male greets from the kitchen, breaking our staring contest and scaring me a little bit.

"Oh uh, hi. It's so nice to meet you." I greet, walking over to shake his hand. Scarlett moves to put her flowers in a vase.

"You as well Y/N." He returns. "I've heard a lot about you from little Rose." He explains and I nod.

"Hopefully only good things." I nervously reply and look to my side when I feel a hand slide into mine.

"Of course, she's very fond of you." He explains with a smile. Oh okay, he seems to like me.

"Thank you for babysitting Hunt, let us know if you need us to come back or if anything happens." Scarlett interrupts and he nods. Rose runs from her Uncle Robbie's arms to her Uncle Hunter's side so we crouch down to say goodbye.

"You be good for Uncle Hunter okay?" Scar starts.

"Yes mama." Rose replies.

"In bed by 8 at the latest." I add on and both blondes look at me with amused smiles. "Uh I mean. Whenever your mom says." I amend.

"Y/n is right, 8 at the latest, no staying up all night eating sugar." Scar calls out her friend.

"Oh come on, it was fun!" Lizzie argues lightly. We give our hugs and head out into a car waiting for us to head to the restaurant but I can't take my eyes off of her. She's beautiful, and I love her.

Robbie holds the restaurant door open for us when we arrive and I thank him before pulling out Lizzie and Scar's chairs for them. I rest our coats on the backs of our chairs before sitting down between the two women.

"So, how has your week been?" I ask the couple who turn to smile at each other.

"Really fun. We are actually thinking about getting a place here so we can come visit whenever we want." Lizzie explains.

"Yeah, we love it here. Playing at your shop was so fun, the New York fans are always the best." Robbie chimes in.

"Hey you can come play anytime. I'll get you on the schedule." I offer and watch as Robbie's eyes light up in excitement.

"So scar, you finally settled the lawsuit with Disney.' Lizzie starts the conversation adn I look over to my girlfriend in surprise. She hadn't mentioned that.

"Yup, and that is why I'm paying tonight." She replies coyly before sipping her wine.

"So are you going to work on that project then?" Lizzie asks.

"Yes, we came to an agreement so I'll continue working with Marvel." She confirms.

I give Robbie a confused look and he just shrugs.

"What else is going on, Cherry?" I ask when I realize I don't know much about her career.

"Well, I have an awards show in November and People's choice at the beginning of December." She recalls and I nod. I smile when her hand slips onto my thigh. "Would you like to come?" She asks.

"Oh a date?" I ask a little flustered by the idea of being a part of her world. She smiles warmly and nods.

"Exactly like my date." She confirms.

Coffee Shop Napkins ~ Scarlett Johansson Where stories live. Discover now