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Whoever invented the game Animal Crossing...I both love you and hate you. I started playing this game on Monday after Sam left me alone with my thoughts and I haven't stopped playing. Well, I have but it feels like I haven't. I get to see Scarlett every day at the shop and she's being so cute and respectful, giving me the time and space to think it over. Playing the mindless game of animal crossing actually helps me take the time to think so even if I am obsessed it's fine. It's like self care at this point.

Tonight is music night, which means I get to see Scarlett and Rose and I am so excited. I actually had to emergency schedule a band for this week on Monday since the original band canceled. But, my savior names Lizzie Olsen is visiting and got me Milo Greene for tonight. I'm really excited. They are probably the most popular band that I would have at the shop and it will be good business for me when people see that they performed here.

So, I'm excited and maybe a little nervous. I want it to go well and I'm also a little nervous to be around Scar for longer than ten minutes. I have thought a lot about what I want to do but I still feel unsure. I want to be 100% certain before I make my decision. I've gone over the pros and cons with myself and with Sam numerous times. We even made a list.

- Scarlett is literally an amazing person
- Scarlett makes me happy
- Rose is the sweetest and we have so much fun together
- She intends to get divorced as soon as she can
- She makes me feel safe and I trust her
- She knows about my past and doesn't judge me for it
- I can see a future with her and Rose even if it is crazy with her job
- I'm physically and emotionally attracted to her

- She will technically be married for the start of our relationship
- It's possible that shit could happen and she stays married to Colin, it's not that easy to fall out of love with someone
- Her job is crazy and I will probably be in the public eye more than I want to be
- My past could get out which could paint me as a really bad person and make me feel like I'm suffocating
- If things don't work out, Rose will have to deal with another adult leaving her.
- Her ex could talk shit about us on television and cause problems
- Her fan base could really be against her being with a woman or just be mean to me for anything really
- If she's busy filming we could have to spend months apart having to do long distance while I have to take care of the shop

So yeah...there is a lot to think about. We haven't known each other that long too so I'm a little hesitant to jump into such a big commitment. She deserves more than hesitancy so once I'm sure, she'll know. I like being friends with her. We might kiss a little bit but she's genuinely so fun to be around just as a friend person too. I could see us being best friends and best friends can be some of the best lovers too.

I look up from the napkin in my hand with my pros and cons list and stuff it in my jacket pocket when Scar and Rose enter the shop. I beam when I see Rose take off into a sprint to greet me. "Hi Y/n!" She greets as she hugs my legs. I brush her hair out of her face as she looks up at me and I match her smile.

"Hi little bean. Bump it." I prompt and hold out my fist. She steps back and taps her little fist against mine. We make our explosion noises as Scarlett steps up behind her daughter and plays with her hair. "Hi Scarlett." I greet her easily.

"Hey Joey." She greets back as Rose reaches forward to hold my hand. I grin down at the little nugget and let her pull me over to her favorite table near the stage. I share a smile with Robbie, who is already here with his band and sit down in the seat Rose practically shoves me into.

"Y/N can you sit with us the entire time this time?" Rose asks hopefully and I nod.

"I sure can." I agree. I might have paid Lucy a little extra to be here so I could hang out with the little family. Rose squeals in excitement and I look up to see the sparkle in Scarlett's eyes at the information as well. We share a small shy smile before I dig out some crayons from my pocket. "Want to color, little bean?" I ask and she nods so I spread out the crayons for her. She gets right to work just as Lizzie walks up behind Scarlett.

Coffee Shop Napkins ~ Scarlett Johansson Where stories live. Discover now