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"So, let's talk about this now." Scar decides one we pull away from our soft kiss. Oh right, the list. I wish we could forget about it but I also know it's a good idea to build a strong foundation.

"Uh yeah, so...I made it to try to organize my thoughts and make sure I knew exactly what I was getting into. I..um...I hope it didn't hurt you." I start and she pouts adorably.

"It didn't hurt me, I think it forced me to think too. I was making decisions without thinking about all of the effects of my actions. I mean, I was thinking about the divorce and Rose but, this just showed me how thoughtful you are and if anything it made me want you more." She explains and I nod.

"Okay so, let's do this. Wow these pros are kind of embarrassing...but you are an amazing person so uh yeah." I stutter and she giggles adorably.

"I think you're amazing too. And I'm really glad I make you happy because you make me happy too." She continues and I smile to myself as my eyes scan the list.

"I really love Rose. She's a great kid and I really do enjoy having her around." I continue and look up to see her sparkly smile.

"I know you do, and she loves you a lot too. She doesn't stop talking about you." She shares and it makes my heart warm. "And I do have intentions for divorce, as soon as possible. I thought I was happy with him and how secure I felt, but I buried the red flags because I was afraid to hurt Rose or be alone again." She shares quietly and I nod.

"I understand that. I know how hard it is to lose someone that you thought would be there for you forever." I confirm and she nods before reaching forward to set her hand on the back of my neck. We kind of backed up into our own space once we started this conversation but feeling her touch is making me less nervous.

"I'm happy I make you feel safe and that you trust me. I feel the exact same way and I have since the start of our friendship. You always make me feel safe and cared for. I like it a lot." She shares as our eyes lock and it makes my stomach flip. I watch as her small smile grows when she notices the blush on my cheeks. I clear my throat and look back down at the list.

"Um, one of the things that makes me feel so safe and why I trust you so much is how nonjudgmental you are about my past. I hold a lot of guilt and it's hard sometimes, but you let me talk about it and never make me feel bad. So, thank you." I share quietly before looking back up to her eyes.

"Everybody has something they fear, or something holding them down. I know you are a good person and that's why I can also see a future with you. It's why I looked into the divorce thing. I know I don't have a normal life and that it's going to be challenging, but when I think about my future, I always see you and Rose cheering me on, or Rose and I visiting you every day at work." She shares easily and it makes me smile.

"Aw, you fantasize about us?" I lightly tease and she rolls her eyes playfully. "Um...I think the last one is self explanatory. I'm attracted to you in every way, and that's something I haven't felt for anyone before." I share before I lose my confidence.

"Even though I come with a lot of baggage?" She checks and I frown at the vulnerability in her eyes.

"Of course, I wouldn't say it if I didn't mean it. I don't care about who you are, maybe at first I did, but I've gotten to know you for you. Just Scar, not this famous actress that everyone has their own opinions on. I got to know you in my own way, and in my opinion, which is the only one that matters, you are a beautiful, kind soul that I would be lucky to have in my life. I am lucky." I share, pushing back any fear at sharing so much.

"Oh um...wow okay. I uh. I didn't know I needed that so thank you." She responds and I nod before leaning forward to kiss her cheek softly. It makes her grin and I almost forget that we are only halfway through this conversation. Now for the cons, no fucking fun. "Um, so. The other stuff." She reminds herself as she breaks eye contact.

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