Dark Roast

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"Hey boss." Lucy greets when I scramble into the coffee shop the next morning. I might be late because I didn't want to come in.

"Hey, how was yesterday?" I ask as I throw my bag under the counter and slip on my apron.

"Well, your girlfriend was very upset you weren't here and didn't get a doodle napkin." She teases and I roll my eyes.

"Not my girlfriend. She came to my apartment." I share and smile at the customer coming up to the register.

"She what?!" Lucy yells. The customer and I both look at her after jumping a little and she smiles sheepishly. I take the customers order quickly and they walk away before I turn back to Lucy. "She what?" She whispers and I smile.

"You're a dork. But yeah, she uh. She came to check on me. Her daughter made me soup and tucked me into bed." I explain as I get the coffee ready for our customer.

"Oh my god, that's adorable." She gushes and I nod. We leave it at that and turn to deal with the morning rush. Once the rush calms down I pick up a napkin and sit down to write out the poem I chose last night.

The seconds, minutes, hours, days, months and years you spend with another are never wasted, but filled with lessons learned and the very best breakups begin and end with new heartbeats. (J.iron word, pg 21)

I smile down at the napkin before moving to answer my phone that's ringing in my pocket.

Me: Hello?

Jack: Hey Boss, something came up for school and I won't be able to do my shift tonight. I'm so sorry.

Me: Jack, calm down it's okay. School always comes first. Don't worry about it.

Jack: But it's book club night!

Me: Jack, I'll handle it. Please don't sweat it. Thanks for letting me know.

Jack: Okay, thanks boss.

I hang up and take a deep breath. Looks like I'm working the evening shift today. I stand up quickly when our 11 am visitor strolls into the shop. "Hi, Y/N." She greets with a smile as she leans onto the counter. Oh wow.

"Hi, Scarlett." I greet back and freeze at all the eye contact going on.

"Uh, I can get started on your usual." Lucy decides and we both look away and shuffle awkwardly. What the fuck just happened. I clear my throat and turn my attention to the register to input her order. She stares down at her wallet before slipping her card into the reader. We both make our way to the pick up spot on opposite sides of the counter and look up at each other as Lucy hands me her coffee.

"Here you go." I state softly, handing over her napkin and cup. She nods and shifts her weight before deciding to speak.

"Thanks um. Do you want to head over to the gym together?" She asks softly and my heart clenches at the soft crack in her voice.

"Oh, um. Yeah, yeah sure." Agree and turn to grab my stuff. I ignore Lucy's smirk as I turn to her. "So, I will be back for the afternoon shift. Don't worry about setting up the book club stuff I can do that." I explain quietly and she nods.

"Got it boss. Have fun." She lightly teases as I walk around the counter to join Scarlett who is sipping on her small coffee. We share a small smile before heading to the door. I push it open and turn to hold it open for her before we start walking towards our gym.

"So, do you always drink coffee before a work out?" I ask to start a conversation but realize that it's a dumb question.

"Considering you are the one that gives me my coffee before going to the gym...yes." She teases and I sigh.

Coffee Shop Napkins ~ Scarlett Johansson Where stories live. Discover now