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I smile when Rose slides onto her knees to greet my baby boy Otis. He loves the attention and follows her around as she explores my apartment. She's been here before to give me soup, but she didn't do much exploring that time. She was too focused on making me feel better.

I smile at the purring kitten as he rubs up against Rose's legs but look to my side when Scar squeezes my hand. We share a soft smile before I turn to go into my room in search of something. "What are you looking for?" Scar asks as she leans against my door. I hum in thought as I dig through my closet for some clothes for Rose. I think I have stuff that would fit her...or at least come closer to fitting compared to my clothes.

I smile when I find the box and open it slowly. Scar sees the writing on the side and quickly comes to kneel beside me. I smile when she slides her hand into my lower back as I peer into the box and take a deep breath. "I kept a bunch of her stuff...just in case I had a daughter someday...I knew I would want my daughter to know her aunt." I explain loosely as I pull out some ballet slippers and a tutu. I smile at some drawings and paintings we did together and look over to Scarlett.

She offers an adorable smile as her eyes search mine. "Just like the painting you gave Rose." She points out and I nod. I run my fingertips over the painting we created together of a hot air balloon in the sky when we were younger.

"Maggie and I did this when we were kids. I recreated it while I was home with Dad and brought it back with me. When Rose wanted something for show and tell I knew It had to be this one." I explain.

"Why, Y/N?" Scar pushes and I take another deep breath.

"Because in a lot of ways, Rose reminds me of Maggie. So smart and full of joy." I explain easily and offer a shy smile when Scar sets her hand on my cheek to get me to look at her again.

"You haven't mentioned this before." She whispers and I shrug.

"I don't know...I didn't want to weird you out...or say it out loud and have it change anything." I try to explain my actions and she shakes her head.

"Nothing's changed. You're so much stronger than you think you are Y/N. If I had gone through what you have gone through, I don't know how I would act around Rose. That constant reminder of someone you love and miss so much." She shares and I nod.

"It was hard at first, but natural. I just...I want to make sure Rose is safe. She' my second chance...I don't know. Anyway, there should be some smaller shirts and jeans for her here." I explain and continue to dig through the box when I set down the painting carefully.

We look up when little feet run into the room and smile when she jumps onto my bed, Otis following her. "Mommy, Y/N, I'm tired." She explains before yawning.

"I know, Little Flower, I'm finding clothes for you right now." I share, prompting her to join us on the floor.

"Hey, it's my painting!" Rose realizes and I nod. I watch as she brushes her little fingers over the dried paint before smiling up at me. I smile back and pull out some pajamas for her. I smile at the ballet slipper printed pants and little ballerina on the shirt. Maggie loved to dance.

I hand over the pajamas to Scarlett and she smiles before directing Rose to the bathroom to get ready for bed. I continue to look through the box I haven't looked at since I taped it shut all those years ago. I find some old leggings and a shirt that has some sort of summer camp logo on it. We both went to the camp as kids and it was fun to spend that time together. I set aside the outfit for Rose to wear to school tomorrow and gently place back the stuff I took out before.

I close the top just as the two blondes emerge from the bathroom and smile at Rose. She jumps back onto my bed and snuggles up to Otis. I guess that's where she is sleeping tonight. Scarlett holds out her hand and helps me up from the floor so we can say goodnight to the Little Bean.

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