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We don't have to wait long for a car and before we can get too comfortable we are back at Scarlett's house. Rose is practically bouncing off the walls in excitement from the game and apparently me being here. She doesn't know that I've slept over when she was already asleep that one time and I kind of want to keep it that way. I don't want to rush anything on the little bean, it's too much for her.

"Y/N! Mommy said she is going to make spaghetti and meatballs! You're favorite!" Rose informs me as she pulls me to the living room to show me her toys.

"That's awesome, now I'm really excited." I respond and sit down when she slides onto her knees to grab her action figures.

"We have to play now that stupid Colin can't interrupt." She mutters and my eyes widen in surprise.

"Rose, remember what I said about how you feel about Colin?" I ask gently and she huffs in mild frustration.

"That I should always treat people with kindness." She grumbles and I nod.

"I know it's hard, but it's better than being a grumpy gills." I tease before tickling her side. She giggles lightly then hands over a Scarlet Witch action figure.

"That's Auntie Lizzie!" She informs me and I grin. She's way too cute. We play out the scenes of civil war for a while and Scarlett watches from her spot in the kitchen. We might have made eyes at each other a few times but whatever.

"Hey Rose? Is it okay if I go help your mom with dinner?" I ask and she nods.

"Yes, I can play all by myself." She confirms and I frown.

"I'm sorry that you don't have anyone to play with." I offer instead of leaving.

"It's okay. Mommy says I can't have another sibling right now. But maybe cousins." She explains and I nod sadly. It must be hard to be such a smart lively child with no one at home to relate to. "What about you Y/N? Why don't you have kids?" She asks bluntly and I laugh.

"I don't have anyone to have kids with." I respond.

"I guess that makes sense." She decides then goes back to playing with her figurines. She seems to be in good spirits so I meet up with Scarlett in the kitchen.

"Hi Cherry." I greet and she gives me a confused look. "Uh sorry, something Rose said. Anyway, can I help you with anything?" I offer and she smiles to herself as she chops some fresh veggies.

"I don't think so, but I wouldn't mind the company." She decides, so I lean up against the counter to watch her work. I can't keep my eyes off of her and the way she moves. She's so alluring that is makes me feel trapped. But, in a good way.

"So, you wanted to talk more." I remind her of our conversation earlier.

"Yes, I do. Um. I wanted to let you know that...Colin and I are still separated but uh. Well. I haven't filed for divorce yet." She drops on me causing ice to run through my veins.

"Uh...okay. I don't uh. I don't really know what you want me to say." I answer as she stirs the pasta.

"I can't yet. I uh. I looked into it and we can't get divorced in New York until we've been separated for a year." She explains once she turns from the stove.

" have to continue to be married for a year before the divorce. There isn't any other way?" I ask. I feel like I'm going to throw up. Is this something that I want to do?

"Abandonment, cruel and inhuman treatment, adultery, or six months of not being able to repair the relationship...whatever the fuck that means." She lists off.

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