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Do I feel like a dick for not giving her a doodle napkin? Maybe. Is it helping me not be a simp. 100%. Am I sad I might have hurt her? Also true. But here we are. I'm waiting for her to show up and knock on my door because apparently she can just waltz in like she owns the place. I might be pacing around and Otis might be watching me from his spot on the top of the couch.

I jump when I hear her soft knock and take a few deep breathes before walking over. Just be cool Y/N and don't let her make all the decision. Yeah...that sounds good. I clear my throat and open the door slowly. She smiles and I can't help but smile back. "Hey, Scar" I greet and her smile grows.

"Hey Y/N...I feel like I need a nickname for you." She decides before walking in once I step back so she can enter. I close the door and take another deep breath.

"And what would that be?" I ask as I watch her get comfortable on my couch.

"Not sure...something to do with coffee though." She comments with a small smirk.

"Right, because I'm just a barista." I recall playfully as I sit on my side chair. She frowns and I look away so I don't feel bad.

"Um. We should talk." She starts and the air shifts.

"Yeah." I agree as we fall into an awkward silence.

"I'm sorry. For, asking you to kiss me." She states softly as she plays with her fingers in her lap. I watch as Otis stands up to stretch before laying down on her shoulder. Suck up,

"Why did you?" I ask quietly, focusing my gaze on my kitten so I don't get distracted.

"I um. I felt like I was losing you. You told me that your life wasn't my concern anymore and I panicked." She explains slowly. I furrow my eyebrows.

"Do you kiss all your friends when you fight?" I ask and fight to hide a smirk at her silence. "Look. I don't know what's going on in your head. I don't understand a lot of what you do and honestly, I don't know what you want from me." I continue after a few beats of silence as she stares down at her fumbling hands.

"I want to be your friend." She replies confidently.

"Are you sure, Scarlett?" I ask as my gaze finally settles on her face. I notice the way her forehead tenses as she thinks and sigh.

"About what?" She whispers and I sigh quietly.

"You want to be my friend?" I clarify and she bites her bottom lip softly.

"Of course I do." She confirms as she looks up and locks me into her green pools of warmth. I take a quick breath in before nodding.

"Then don't ask me to kiss you. It's...unfair." I request quietly.

"A lot of what I did was unfair. I want to be a better friend." She shares and I nod. "And it was a good congrats on that." She awkwardly adds on.

"Oh uh, thank you. And okay, friends. But if you pull any bullshit that's it Johansson." I tease with a small smirk.

" I get my napkins again?" She asks timidly and my heart melts.

"Maybe." I negotiate.

"And hugs?" She asks and I frown when I realize she noticed I didn't really want a hug earlier.

"Maybe." I repeat and she sighs.

"That's better than a no. Am I on probation or something?" She asks and I laugh.

"Sure...I have to be honest Scar." I start as my chest tightens.

"Okay...about what?" She asks and tilts her head in confusion.

Coffee Shop Napkins ~ Scarlett Johansson Where stories live. Discover now