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"I'm sorry about this." Scarlett speaks up as we walk down the sidewalk away from my shop.

"Don't worry about it. It's hard to say no to her." I reveal and offer a small smile. I watch as her lips pull into a grin and she nods as she drops her head to look at her feet.

"You know, I'm really risking a lot right now." She starts and I give her a confused look. "I mean, I'm showing you where I live." She explains quickly and I nod.

"I know it might be scary. But you can trust me. I won't do anything to hurt you or Rose." I assure her quietly as the child snoozes on my shoulder. I'm rewarded with a bright smile that I return before going back to our quiet walk. Her phone vibrates and she sighs when she sees who's calling.

"Hey, yeah I'm on my way. Yeah. See you soon." She ends the call quickly and I furrow my eyebrows at how it seemed that she didn't want to take the call at all.

"Your husband?" I ask, afraid of the answer.

"Yeah. He was worried." She confirms and I nod. "Anyway, Rose's party is next Monday, on her birthday. She goes to see her dad this weekend." She shares easily.

"Oh fun. Kind of sucks I won't get to see her." I respond. Rose is kind of the only reason why Scarlett and I hang out outside of the coffee shop. Well, we went to the gym together and we hung out with Lizzie but Rose is kind of our excuse. We haven't hung out on our own at all.

"We could...go get lunch or something?" She suggests and my chest tightens.

"Yeah, that would be cool." I confirm and she nods in confirmation. She stops at the steps of a townhouse and faces me.

"We'll this is us." She speaks quietly and looks up at the door. She doesn't make a move to grab Rose or go up the stairs so I stand like an idiot not sure what to do. I notice the hesitant look in her eyes and scan over her timid posture.

"What's wrong?" I ask quietly.

"Nothing. It's nothing." She denies and looks back to me.

"You'd tell me if it was?" I ask and she nods.

"It's nothing big. It's just...different than what it has been. Rose has been acting out and won't do anything with Colin. Colin and I barely talk because of it. I just feel like it's all my fault." She explains.

"Did something happen?" I ask patiently.

"No...I don't know. I don't think so. I just feel like...You know when we were talking about uh. About Rose and adults?" She asks.

"Yeah, you said she only really gets along with me, Lizzie and Flo. You thought it was your fault because of the divorce." I recall out loud. She nods before staring down to her feet. "You think it's your fault that Rose doesn't get along with Colin?" I ask and she nods but doesn't meet my eyes. "Did Colin say it was your fault?" I ask quietly.

"What? No. No it uh. No it's just how I feel." She assures me and I nod.

"It's not your fault Scarlett. Sometimes kids just do these things. Talk to Rose, try to see how she's feeling. Maybe there is a reason she isn't getting along with him." I advise.

"I will. I'm just scared." She reveals so quietly that I almost don't hear it. I go to respond but the child in my arms starts to move. She lifts her head from my shoulder and yawns before looking around.

"Mama? Can we go to bed?" She asks and I smile at the cuteness in my arms.

"Of course, baby. Let's go." Scar agrees and accepts the child leaning for her. I pass her over and take my bag from Scarlet's hold. "See you tomorrow." She offers.

Coffee Shop Napkins ~ Scarlett Johansson Where stories live. Discover now