Cold Drip

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"Look duckies!" Lizzie squeals when we reach her and I share an amused smile with Scarlett.

"Yes, Elizabeth, a river. Revolutionary." Scarlett teases and I hide my lips in my mouth to hold back a laugh.

"You don't have to be rude. Jeez." Lizzie complains and crosses her arms as she pouts slightly.

"Very cute ducks in the radioactive water, Lizzie." I tease lightly and she huffs before marching ahead of us to continue our walk.

"She likes small animals." Scarlett explains.

"She'd love my kitten Otis then." I share.

"You have a kitten? That's cute." She comments and I smile.

"Yeah he's pretty cute. He's small and cuddly. Sometimes he accidentally FaceTimes people which is kind of annoying but also amazing at the same time." I explain and giggle at the thought of Sam answering my FaceTime in the shower one time and realizing it was my cat. "One time he FaceTimed my friend while she was in the shower and she screenshot his little face while it was just her eyes in her frame. It was hilarious. I was really confused when she sent it to me. That's how we found out he was doing it, I thought my phone was just bugging out." I share. I smile as her laugh fills my ears.

"That's adorable. He sounds like a fun kitty." She decides and I nod in agreement. "Lizzie, Y/N has a kitten." Scar calls ahead to the pouty woman walking in front of us. She stops dead in her tracks and turns around, an excited smile on her lips.

"Can I meet him?!" She squeals.

"Oh uh, you want to go to my apartment?" I clarify and she nods excitedly. I look over to Scarlett and she shrugs nonchalantly.

"We don't have any set plans." She shares.

"Oh okay. Sure, we can head there." Lizzie rejoins my side now that she isn't sad about the duckies and we take in the nice day as I lead them to my street. I live on the upper west side so my apartment is pretty nice, small but nice. It's just me and my kitten so that's all I need. I pray that it's clean as I unlock the door.

"Welcome to my humble abode." I say as I push the door open and allow them to step inside. I watch as they both look around once they kick off their shoes. Otis is sat on the top of the couch looking at the new humans curiously. Lizzie gasps when she sees him and walks over to him to greet him softly. He happily accepts her pets and stands up to rub his face against her hand.

I turn my attention to the woman that makes my heart beat faster as she looks at the pictures around the living room. I awkwardly step to her side and look at the family picture on the wall with her. "You have a sister?" She asks and I nod as I swallow harshly.

"Uh, kind of yeah." I answer and she looks over to me with a confused look. I offer an awkward smile as Lizzie carefully places Otis on Scarlett's shoulder. He sniffs at her chin as her eyes drop to look at him and she smiles softly.

"Hello little guy." She greets in an adorable baby voice and I softly bite my bottom lip as I watch her lean closer to kiss his head. He purrs loudly and rubs his little face agains her jawline. He lays down on her shoulder and rests his head against her neck as she walks away to look at other pictures.

"You play?" Lizzie asks and points to the guitar sitting in the corner.

"Little bit here and there yeah. You?" I ask vaguely remembering a guitar in one of her movies.

"Little bit." She grins as she mirrors my answer. My attention falls back on Scarlett as she explores with Otis snoozing on her shoulder. "He likes her." Lizzie whispers and I nod. "If the kid likes someone then it must mean something right?" She whispers again and I give her a perplexed look.

"What do you mean?" I ask and she shrugs before wandering off. I walk over to my speaker and turn it on so I can play some soft music to break the silence as they walk around the living room and kitchen to explore. I let them be, unsure on what to do so I sit on the couch. Scarlett's phone rings and she takes it out of her pocket.

"Hi nugget." She coos and I smile, it must be Rose. "I'm actually with Y/N and Aunt Lizzie...we'll be home soon...not tonight sweetheart...okay...okay I love you." She hangs up and stuffs her phone away. "That was Rose, she and Colin are back from the zoo early and she is excited to see her Aunt Lizzie." She shares.

"Aw, I'm so excited." Lizzie answers and reaches over to pet Otis who is still chilling on Scarlett's shoulder.

"Um, it was nice hanging with y'all." I offer and shift awkwardly once I stand.

"It was so nice meeting you Y/N." Lizzie states kindly and pulls me into a hug. Oh uh okay. I return it easily and smile as she pulls away to get her shoes back on. Scarlett steps in front of me and scoops my kitten up from her shoulder to transfer him onto mine.

"Nice meeting you, Otis." She coos as he purrs. She leans forward and I think she's going in a for a hug so I hold my arms out to my sides. I quickly drop them though when I realize she was leaning in to kiss Otis's furry head. I swallow awkwardly and pray she didn't realize as she steps away and walks the door. I lock eyes with Lizzie and she gives me a sad smile. I shrug before scratching the back of my neck awkwardly.

"Um, get home safe." I offer as Scarlett stands up after slipping on her shoes.

"Thanks Y/N, and thanks for the walk." Scarlett offers.

"Hopefully, I get to see you again! I'm headed to LA but maybe next time I visit this one we can do something yeah?" Lizzie offers and I nod.

"Yeah of course." I stand in the doorway as they walk out and Lizzie waves before disappearing down the stairs. Scarlett pauses and turns back around before steeping in front of me.

"Um. The napkins..." She mentions softly.

"Oh see." I try to explain.

"Wait." I shut my mouth at the soft command. "They aren't, for everyone? It's just random?" She asks and I swallow harshly.

"Um, yeah, Yeah totally. Random." I confirm, thankful that she's covering my ass for me.

"Right." Her gaze drops to her feet. "I'll see you tomorrow then." I watch as she slowly looks back up to my face as she bites at the inside of her cheek.

"Yeah, tomorrow." I confirm. We share a small smile and she turns to follow Lizzie down the stairs. I sigh as I close and lock my door to lean against it. I look over to my shoulder. "What am I doing, Otis?" I direct towards my little guy. He meows softly back at me.

I get charged into my gym clothes and decide to go since I didn't go at my usual time today. Hopefully, it helps my swirling brain. I spent a few hours with two of my favorite celebrities and it was...normal? Lizzie is so sweet and funny but Scarlett is...I don't even know. She's quiet and reserved around me and I can't help thinking it's because she's slowly realizing that the napkin thing is not something I do for everyone. Maybe I should stop doing it. But, she seems to like it. I'm just so confused by her behavior. I'm also horrible at making friends so maybe I'm making up the weird tension.

I don't realize how hard I was going until I can barely stand up, sweat covering my body. I wipe at my face with a towel and sigh. I don't know what's happening but I do know I'm now sort of friends with someone I have a huge crush on. I feel like those situations never work out and she's married so that's just a double whammy. But, maybe I can learn to be her friend and this crush will go away. Yeah, let's go with that.

A/N Oooooo tension tension...what do we think?

Also the title refers to Cold drip coffee. Cold drip is an extraction method where you leave cold water dripping over coffee grounds at a slow rate for many Get it? Just me...thats fine.

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