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When I wake up the next morning, I smile at the feeling of fingers combing through my hair. I snuggle further into her warm body which earns a chuckle. "Y/N, time to get up sleepyhead." She coos in between kisses to my hairline.

"5 more minutes." I grumble and push my face into her neck. I take a deep breath and smile, she smells so fucking good.

"We have to bring Rose to school...or uh or I do." She whispers against my skin and I hum before leaning back to look down at her.

"I can come?" I ask, tilting my head in question.

"Well I mean. Uh, You could or you don't have to?" She stumbles and I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion.

"I'd love to come, I just thought that it might cause more issues." I explain and she sighs.

"It could. But I mean, they are already saying shit. I don't care what we do. I know you're here with me. But if you aren't ready for more of what happened last night then you can stay here." She explains.

"Well...I guess I have to get used to it sooner or later. You really think they will cause issues just bringing Rose to school?" I ask and lean down to kiss her forehead.

"I don't have issues dropping her off so hopefully not." She shares and I nod.

"Then I wanna come." I decide and watch a smile grow on her face.

"Rose will be so excited." She whispers as I lean down to give her a soft kiss. She hums in delight and grasps the back of my neck when I try to pull away. I grin against her lips but continue to give her sweet kisses until her grip loosens.

"I'll go wake her up?" I suggest and her smile widens as she nods. I peck her lips one more time before rolling off the couch and heading over to my bedroom door. I knock softly and open the door slowly. I grin at the little body taking up my entire bed and turn the lights on. I sit on the edge of the bed and brush some hair out of her face. She takes a breath in and rolls over onto her side. "Good morning Little Bean, it's time to get up." I greet softly and smile at the little pout on her lips.

"But Y/N, I'm still sleepy." She whispers back.

"I know, Nugget but it's time for school." I explain and she sighs. Otis stands up and stretches before nudging Rose's face. "See, even Otis wants you to get up."

Rose giggles as Otis continues to nudge her awake and I smile when her eyes blink open. "Good morning Y/N." She greets in her adorable little voice.

"Good morning, Little Flower. Ready to get dressed for school?" I ask and she sighs.

"Can I have a hug and kiss first? Mommy always gives me a hug and kiss." She explains and my heart melts at the request.

"Of course, come here." I prompt and smile when she launches her body towards me for a big hug. When she leans out of it I leave a kiss on her forehead and laugh when she holds out her fist for our handshake. We bump fists and make our explosion noises then she cuddles up to me. "You know Rose, my sister Maggie taught me the explosion we do." I share.

"She did?" She asks and looks up at me curiously.

"Yeah...when I first met you, I knew that you wanted a fist just reminded me of my little sister." I explain.

"Did it make you sad?" She asks and I shake my head.

"No, I was just reminded of her and it took me a minute to collect my thoughts. I'm glad that I have you to continue our tradition, Rose. You mean a lot to me." I share quietly and she grins. I pull her into another hug and scoop her up into my arms as I stand.

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