Whole Leaf

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I cannot believe the mess of a music night this is. The band that was supposed to play canceled last minute, Jack went home sick so I had to come in earlier than expected, and now I'm trying to organize this thing all by myself since Lucy can't come in. At this point I have no choice but to call Sam.

Sam: Hey bitch, stop ignoring me

Y/N: I'm sorry, I've been a lousy friend. But now I'm a great friend.

Sam:...why is that?

Y/N: I got you a job!

Sam: I have a job

Y/N: Just please come help me out for music night? I'll pay you.

Sam: See you in ten.

I smile as I hang up. I fucking love her. I get back to serving customers and getting the snacks ready even though I don't have any entertainment. Wait...Scarlett sings. I whip out my phone and call her as I continue to make orders.

Scar: Hey, I'm on my way with your best friend.

Y/N: Beautiful, I need you to be the musical guest tonight.

Scar: Uh what?

Y/N: The band that was supposed to play canceled...you need to save music night.

Scar: No thanks.

Y/N: Scar please.

Scar: No can do, but I have a plan. Bye!

I don't have to wait long for Scarlett to arrive and she comes directly to the counter with Rose.

"Y/N! I missed you." Rose greets and I grin as we bump fists.

"I missed you too little bean." I reply easily.

"Rosie, you're going to stay with Y/N and I'm going to go get something okay?" Scar directs to the both of us and I give her a confused look. "Keys." She requests with her hand out.

"Uh, why?" I ask.

"Just give me your keys." She repeats and I grab them from my bag. She swipes them from my hand and ushers Rose back around the counter before waving and walking out. Okay what?

"Alright Rose, just sit right here and you can color on some napkins okay?" I direct the child and she nods before stealing a pack of crayons from my apron. I smile at the child and turn to continue making the snack platters. Everyone is settling in seats with their drinks so I set the platters on the tables so they can get started on food. I smile as Lizzie walks in and pulls me into a hug.

"Hey, where's the music?" She asks and I laugh. "What, I was promised music night." She reminds me with a sly grin.

"Uh, Scarlett has an idea apparently. My band canceled." I explain as she follows me back to the counter.

"Oh interesting. Has a tiny blonde with heart eyes arrived yet?" She teases as she leans on the counter.

"Rose? Yeah she's right here." I tease back and she rolls her eyes.

"Seriously, Y/N, are you going to shoot your shot or not?" She asks seriously and I sigh before turning to give Rose a muffin.

"There is no shot to be shot." I decline.

"What do you even mean? Flo really likes you." She whispers.

"I doubt that. She's just nice." I decide.

"No idiot. Ugh, and to make it worse you think Scar doesn't like you either. You're causing a mess." She sighs exasperated and I frown.

"I didn't do anything." I defend and hand her a hot chocolate.

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