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Scarlett POV

Every day it gets harder and harder to figure out why I'm still with my husband. Don't get me wrong, he is amazing. He takes care of Rose and I, is insanely sweet, and I like being around him. But, lately he's been an absolute dick. First he makes it seem like it's my fault that Rose isn't his biggest fan and now I figure out he called her a brat straight to her face? He's on thin fucking ice and I kind of want him to drown.

I feel like an ass for wanting him to screw up. A lot of the time I don't even want to be around him, but then I crave his comfort and stability that he brings into our lives. Having someone that I can come home to and depend on gives me the security that I crave. I didn't get that with Ryan since he cheated on me, and then Rose's dad was an asshat too. Now I have Colin who I thought would be it for me. I don't want to be wrong again.

I'm so conflicted and I'm dreading the inevitable fight about what he said to Rose. I wonder if he will even own up to it if he knows I'm pissed about it. That is my daughter. You can treat me however and I can figure it out, but if you hurt my daughter then it's a bigger issue. They used to be close but now she is so apprehensive about him.

I'm so thankful for Y/N. Y/N who has only done her best to make me happy. She's such a great friend. When we started hanging out, Colin started acting weird and I can't figure out why. He suggested we keep our friendship on the down low since it was causing a lot of rumors about my private life which I really don't like. It was a good suggestion career wise, but it killed me to push her away. I feel like I'm always pushing her. Pushing her away or pushing her to share more with me and she complies without much protest. Rose loves her and I love spending time with her so I'm grateful she came into our lives.

"Mommy?" Rose gets my attention when we are about a block away from home.

"Yes muffin?" I ask as she swings our hands between us.

"Why do we have to live with Colin? I want to live with Y/N instead." She offers bluntly and I smile softly.

"I know you love Y/N a lot but she has her own apartment. Mommy and Colin are married so we live together." I explain.

"Yeah but we have more fun with Y/N. I want to be married to Y/N so I can stay at her house." She decides and it makes me laugh. This child is too much sometimes.

"That's not how that works nugget. You get married to someone you love a lot. And you can also live with friends, you don't have to be married to live together." I try to explain and she hums in thought.

"Okay, so we can live with Y/N then. Since friends can live together too." She decides and I smile softly down at her. We stop at the front steps and she looks up at me innocently. I crouch down to be eye level with my little angel.

"Well, it's fine to live with friends before you get married, but once you get married you live with your partner since you are now partners for life." I explain. She tilts her head in confusion.

"But mama, you married daddy and you don't live together." She points out. She's way too smart.

"That's right, we were married but now we aren't anymore." I confirm.

"So, why don't you not marry Colin and marry Y/N so we can live with her?" She suggests and the suggestion makes me blush.

"You only get married to people you really love, nugget. Someone you like to hug and kiss and spend lots of time with." I try to explain.

"You like to spend time with Y/N though! She makes us smile." She whines and stomps her foot a little. Someone is tired.

"Right, but Y/N and I don't, uh. We don't kiss." I explain weakly as the flash of our kiss invades my senses.

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