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"They are okay Y/N, just resting." My dad informs me before I can ask.

"Okay but your face doesn't say that." I point out.

"I'm just...dealing." He shares and I nod. Right...this isn't a situation he wanted to be in ever again but here we are and it's all my fault. I should have never driven again.

"I'm sorry dad." I whisper.

"Don't Y/N. Don't you dare start blaming yourself. This wasn't you. This was that scumbag that decided to run a red light. You are all okay, I know that it just...when I got the call I thought I wouldn't make it." He shares quietly.

"I wish I could stop putting you through this pain." I whisper and he shakes his head.

"Stop it." He pleads and grasps my hand. I don't know what to say so I stay silent. We finish watching the movie and by the end my eyelids are drooping. I must have fallen asleep because the next time I open my eyes the sun is up again and birds are chirping outside my window.

I look over to see my dad sleeping on the couch then look to the door when it opens softly. I beam when I see my doctor come in with a wheelchair. "Good morning, you ready to see your special girls?" She teases and I narrow my eyes at her.

"Yes. Why the urgency now? They are okay right?" I ask, panicking slightly at how easily she's allowing me to leave the room today.

"They are fine. You listened. You didn't do anything crazy, you ate and rested. So let's go." She prompts and helps me sit up. I wince at the pain but suffer through it, wanting to see my girls as soon as possible. I take her hand so she can help me get into the chair and let out a heavy breath once I sit down. Fuck that hurt.

She wheels me to the room next to mine and my eyes land on the blonde that has my heart. She looks over to me and her face breaks out into a smile. Oh thank god. My doctor plants me right next to her bed and I reach forward to hold her hand. Once we are alone I speak.

"Hi Cherry." I whisper, slightly afraid of her reaction.

"Hi Joey, you okay?" She checks and I nod. I watch her worried eyes scan over my body.

"I don't care about me, what about you?" I whisper.

"Doc says I have a concussion, bruises all down my side and well." She motions to her right arm in a full arm cast. My eyes water when I realize that she's hurt because of me. "'s okay." She coos and reaches to my cheek to brush at my cheekbone.

"I'm so sorry." I whisper but she shushes me.

"Stop it. You didn't do this Y/N." She states seriously and I sigh. My eyes wander to the smaller bed in the room, where Rose's little body rests. She appears to be sleeping but when I look back to Scarlett she looks extremely worried.

"How is she?" I whisper and she sighs.

"She uh...they expect whiplash and they found a skull fracture. She um. She hasn't woken up yet." She drops on me and I swear my heart stops beating.

"What? What the fuck does that mean?" I ask. "They said...they said she was fine. What a bunch of fucking liars." I go to wheel myself out of there to give this place a fucking piece of my mind but her grip on my hand stops me.

"Y/N...she is okay. She just needs time to rest." She assures me patiently.

"No she...she needs to wake up. I...she has to be okay. She's my second chance Scarlett. I can't. She she has to." I stumble, my emotions bubbling to the surface, spiraling out of control.

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