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Why am I nervous? It's just a movie night with Scarlett and Rose. She seemed completely normal today at the shop when she came in for her coffee and napkin. She said she was excited and asked what snacks I wanted. So why am I nervous? It might be because I hate her husband and have a massive crush on her but it's fine. Whatever.

I jump a little when there's a knock at my door and Otis gives me an unamused look for disturbing his sleep. I get up and wipe my sweaty palms on my sweatpants as I get closer to the door. I unlock and open the door and smile softly at Scarlett before my eyes drop to look for Rose. "Uh, hi." I greet when my gaze returns to hers.

"Hey, can I come in or?" She teases and I nod before shuffling back so she can enter. I shut and lock the door behind her and follow her into the kitchen. She starts to take out the food she got from the bags she brought in as I observe her. She has a tiny smile on her lips as she moves around comfortably.

"Um, where's Rose?" I ask and she looks over to me.

"At a friends...why?" She asks before finding a bowl to put tortilla chips in.

"Oh, I just. I thought she was coming too." I share easily and she smirks to herself as she fills a small bowl with Salsa.

"Sorry to disappoint." She teases.

"I mean, I'm not. It's not that." I stumble and her smirk grows.

"Relax." She commands gently and I nod dumbly. "So what are we watching?" She asks casually as she sets a bag of popcorn in my microwave.

"Um, whatever, I'm not picky. What would you like to watch?" I pull an uno reverse and she hums in thought.

"I'm kind of in a comedy mood." She shares and I nod.

"Then we have to watch The Heat with Melissa McCarthy and Sandra Bullock." I decide and run over to my TV stand to find it.

"Something tells me you really like that movie." She decides as she brings in the popped popcorn to set on the coffee table. Otis realizes she's here and stretches before following her back into the kitchen.

"Maybe." I confirm and follow her into the kitchen to help with the other snacks. Eventually, we are both sat on the couch with inches between us, Otis snuggled on her shoulder furthest from me because he's a traitor. The movie plays on my TV as we laugh at certain scenes and eat the snacks she prepared. It's kind of nice even though I still feel nervous. I twiddle my thumbs in my lap to ease some of my nerves but that's stopped quickly when she reaches over to set a hand over top of mine.

"What's wrong?" She asks as her hand slides to grab onto mine softly. Well that's not helping.

"Uh, nothing." I respond quickly.

"You haven't stopped fidgeting since we sat down." She points out and I shrug as I avoid her eyes. "You're still mad?" She whispers and my gaze snaps over to hers.

"No. I'm not. We uh. We've never hung out alone." I explain like a complete dork and she smiles sweetly.

"We had lunch together." She reminds me.

"And then you told me you can't be seen with me." I point out and she frowns.

"You're afraid I'll push you away again." She states without question and I look away. She leans forward to  grab the remote to pause the movie and shifts to angle her body more towards me. Otis jumps off her shoulder in the process and walks away. I swallow when one leg is laid across my lap while the other is bent beneath her. Her hand that is still holding mine tightens and I sigh. What is she doing?

Coffee Shop Napkins ~ Scarlett Johansson Where stories live. Discover now