Steamed Milk

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We lay in the guest bed, cuddled up to each other and I stare up at the ceiling smiling in thought. My head is a mess. But, with Scarlett cuddled into my side, tracing shapes onto my exposed shoulder, I feel secure. I hug her closer so she presses her face into the side of my neck. Yeah, I could really get used to this.

"Y/N?" She whispers, sending shivers down my spine.

"Yes?" I respond just as softly.

"Why did you call me Cherry earlier?" She asks and I grin.

"I was talking with Rose and she asked where coffee beans come from. I told her a fruit that people call cherry. So, like the smarty pants she is, she said well if I'm a bean then Mommy must be a Cherry!...Not exactly where babies come from but it works." I respond and she giggles into my neck.

"I kind of like it. You are Joe, Rose is our little bean, and now I'm Cherry." She summarizes, making my heart stop.

"Our?" I ask and she leans back to look at me in confusion.

"Huh?" She asks.

"You said Rose is our little bean." I reveal and watch as the gears turn in her head. A look of realization fills her face and I smile at the faint blush on her cheeks.

"I guess I did." She responds, her gaze on her hand that is now resting on my collarbone. I shift a hand to rest over hers and lift it to kiss the back of her palm before resting our joined hands back into my chest, right above my heart.

"Must we have coffee themed nicknames?" I ask and she laughs lightly.

"You started it with Little bean...and you own a coffee shop so it works." She defends.

"I'm excited for Music night this week knowing that my two favorite blondes will be there." I tease and she grins.

"Don't let Lizzie hear you say that." She teases back.

"Isn't she a brunette right now?" I shoot back and she scoffs in fake offense. We smile at each other as we get lost in a familiar staring contest, daring the other to look away. It doesn't happen, even when I reach up to brush my thumb over her cheekbone. "You're...enchanting." I whisper and she smiles shyly but keeps her gaze on mine.

"You're...distracting." She decides and I raise an eyebrow in interest.

"Oh? In what way?" I push and watch as her bottom lip disappears into her mouth.

"I win." She states proudly and I softly roll my eyes as I wait for her explanation. "Whenever I'm with you...I can't stop thinking about you. And when we aren't together...I'm wishing we were. I can't stop thinking about you and your kindness and patience. How amazing you are with Rose and how you treat me. It's just...everything I want and more." She explains slowly, her eyes searching mine as her voice cracks with vulnerability.

"I thought it was my ass." I tease and she snorts before giggling into my neck.

"You're a dork." She lets out between giggles.

"You're adorable and sweet." I respond and smile when she leans back to look at me again. I raise an eyebrow in interest when I see the way she's eyeing me and smile when she leans forward for a soft kiss. We share a few soft kisses that don't last more than a few seconds before her hand is set on my cheek and lips are pressed against mine with more purpose.

I set my hand on her waist which prompts her to move closer, straddling my thighs to trap me under her and I'm not complaining at all. I slide one hand to her hip while the other slide into the hair at the back fo her head, keeping her close as our lips brush together in a kiss that is quickly getting hungrier. I gasp when her hips sink down into mine and shudder when her tongue meets mine. My grasp in her hair tightens and I fight the urge to smile when I feel the low moan in her throat.

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