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I wait a few more beats as she battles with herself internally. I rub a soft line across her cheekbone and smile softly when my fingers dancing across her shoulder feel the goosebumps on her skin. Her eyes drop to my lips for the tenth time so I watch as her bottom lip quivers slightly. "Y/N...I don't..I uh." She stumbles in a raspy whisper so I lean back slightly.

"What is it?" I ask just as quietly as she unconsciously follows my movement to lean further into me.

"The last time we did wasn't good." She reminds me as she reaches over to set her wine glass down on the coffee table. I shiver when her hand on my knee shifts to slowly slide onto my neck as her body continues to slowly move closer and closer. I start to lean away, sensing that maybe this wasn't a good idea. She's right, the last time I left the fucking city.

"You might be right." I whisper as her now free hand slides into the outside of my thigh.

"I...I um." She whispers when we end up nose to nose once again. I'm leaned all the way onto the arm of the couch with nowhere to go as her body continues its journey to face mine. At this point she's practically leaned over my body, our legs awkwardly pressed together, my hands on her sides as her hand leaves my thigh to push my hair out of my face. I watch as her eyes intently observe my face.

"Say it." I challenge against her breath and my body lightens when I feel her shiver.

"I can't" She whispers back.

"Then show me." I request and not a second later her eyes flutter closed as her lips are pressed against mine. We both react quickly to the feeling, my hands sliding to her hips to help her shift into my lap and her grip on my cheeks tightens. Jesus Christ. This shouldn't feel this good.

Our lips dance together in a rushed yet patient way, applying pressure at all the right times that leave us both gasping for air. I squeeze her hips when she nips at my bottom lip and she gasps into my mouth. She pulls away slightly so I move my lips to her jawline as she tilts her head back, our ragged breathing filling the room that's slowly getting warmer. "Y/N..." She whispers causing my body to heat up even more.

I continue kissing down the side of her neck, following the grip she has on the back of my neck. When my teeth sink into the base of her neck she tugs be backward, locking us into a heated stare, our faces still inches apart. I watch as she observes me with interest and wait for her to figure out what she wants to do. "Tell me what you want." I request quietly.

"All I can think about is you right now." She whispers honestly and I'm taken back by how clear and honest the admission is. I can't gather my thoughts enough to answer before she's taking my bottom line into her mouth once again. This time we take our time getting used to the feeling of being so close. "Touch me" She requests against my lips and I quickly realize my hands haven't moved from their spot on her hips. It's kind of hard to think about anything other than her lips right now. I'm kissing fucking Scarlett Johansson what the fuck.

I follow her light command and slide my hands up her back causing her body to lean even further into me. She lets her body weight fully rest on me as her thumbs press into my jaw line, her fingers laid on either side of my neck. I let my hands roam her back and hips and squeak in surprise when she shifts one leg between mine. Okay uh...maybe we should take a step back. I pull away with a smack of our lips but that doesn't stop her from kissing my cheek and jaw line before burring her face into my neck. "Scar..." I breathe out and she hums in response but doesn't stop her assault.

"I feel like... we should about this?" I ask between breaths as my eyes roll to the back of my head. Her mouth is heavenly. I wait as her kisses slowly become softer and she leans back to look down at me. Holy shit. A lock of hair falls to cover her face so I reach up and tuck it behind her ear as I wait for a response.

"I don't think I want to be your friend." She whispers finally and I watch as her lips curl into a goofy smile. I laugh lightly and nod.

"Yeah I uh...I think I got that. But, there are things to think about." I remind her. She sighs and lets her eyes scan what she sees beneath her before cuddling into my chest. I continue to rub her back softly as she gets comfy and stare up at the ceiling. I thought I was in a mess before but this feels like a whole new one.

"Like my marital status?" She asks and I nod.

"Yeah, and your child." I tack on for good measure. "As much as I enjoyed that...we can't just...go blindly into something without thinking about the repercussions." I explain.

"Stop being sensible." She teases before leaving a small kiss on the side of my neck. "But I know. Um. I feel like I'm constantly being unfair to you. Pushing you to do and say things that you don't want to do." She rambles lightly and I frown.

"I wanted to kiss you Scarlett." I make clear and I smile when I feel her lips curl into a grin against my skin.

"I was being dumb...I should have known the first time we kissed." She whispers and her breath tickles my skin.

"I know...but I also understand why you were being so weird. You are married. We can't ignore that. For our sakes and for Rose's. She's already having issues with Colin...I wouldn't want to cause anymore." I think out loud before we fall into an unsure silence.

"Rose tells me we should live with you and that I should kiss you all the fucking time. Little shit is a bad influence." She shares before we both start giggling. She leans back to look down at me and I marvel at how beautiful she looks. "What are we going to do?" She whispers as she shifts to trace a finger over my eyebrow and nose.

"I don't know...but I think it's kind of on you." I remind her and she nods softly.

"Don't leave." She requests and I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

"Uh what?" I ask and she sighs before clarifying.

"Don't leave me tonight...we can figure it out tomorrow but please I just...don't leave me alone tonight." She requests and I nod. She leans down to peck my lips like its the most natural thing in the world and we look at each other in surprise as we both realize how easy it felt. But, nothing is easy with us. There's so many things to consider and we will consider them...tomorrow.

She eventually gets up and helps me up to stand. Her fingers curl into mine as she guides me up the stairs to her bedroom but I stop at the threshold. She stops and gives me a worried look when she sees my look of hesitancy. "What's wrong?" She asks and steps closer, sliding her free hand onto my hip.

"I um. I don't want to sleep in the bed you share with him." I whisper lowly as my eyes drop to my feet. My throat seems to close up when I realize what I agreed to for the night as I avoid her eyes. I look up in confusion when she pulls me out of the room and down the hall to what looks like a guest room. I look over to her when she drops my hand and walks over to the queen sized bed to tug the covers out of their orderly state.

"No one sleeps here." She informs me awkwardly and I nod. I step further into the room and look around the walls at the simple decorations. She walks past me and I turn to watch as she walks down the hall. she leaving me here? I sit on the edge of the bed solemnly but look up quickly when a shirt and pair of shorts are thrown at me. "Get in your comfies, Joey." She teases and I grin at her as she crawls into bed. I get up and go into the bathroom to change before joining her in the bed.

As soon as my head hits the pillow, her body curls into mine. "This is kind of nice." I comment quietly, afraid to ruin it.

"It is, I haven't had a cuddle buddy in a long time." She reveals. I frown but leave it at that, not wanting to pry. "Goodnight, Y/N." She whispers before kissing my cheek.

"Goodnight, Scarlett." I return and turn my head to kiss her forehead. I watch as she passes out within minutes and start to think about the complicated situation I got myself into. She's married, just kicked her husband out who treats her daughter like shit, and even though we shared many great moments tonight, she didn't really explain anything to me. Am I dumb for doing this?

A/N we feeling? What's going to happen? Let me know what you think!

Body: the body of the coffee explains the texture of the beverage. It can be thin, delicate, juicy, syrupy or heavy,

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