Heart Starter

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I stare down at the box that was just delivered as Sam sits on the couch. "I'm here, Y/N. No matter what." She reminds me and I nod. I move the box to rest on the coffee table table and grab some scissors from the kitchen.

"I really don't want to open it. What could my dad have even sent that was mom's?" I wonder out loud.

"Maybe he was given the stuff she left to you in the will." She offers and I nod. "Take your time." She reminds me.

"I'm afraid if I do, I won't ever open it. Maybe that's why he's waited so long to send it to me. He knows how fucked up I am over it." I ramble. The longer I stare at the box the more I don't want to open it. So I stand up and head to my room. "I'm going to take a nap." I decide and Sam lets me go. I flop onto my bed and reach for my phone I left on my nightstand. I smile when I see the notifications.

Scarlett: Hey you okay?

Scarlett: Lucy doesn't know where you are so I'm kind of worried.

Scarlett: I'm coming to check on you.

Me: Hey, just seeing these now. Thanks again for stopping by

I set the phone down and stare up at the ceiling. I'm being such a pussy about the stupid box. I mean it's probably stuff I've seen before anyway. I smile when my phone vibrates.

Scarlett: It's no problem at all, feeling better?

Me: Yeah, little bit.

Scarlett: Good. Glad to hear it.

Me: :)

I roll off my bed and return into the living room, pick up the scissors, and cut the tape open without thinking about it. I lift open the flaps of the box and look inside. I smile and grab my mother's locket and open it up. It's a picture of my sister and I. I set it down carefully and continue to look through the box of random things. I find some jewelry, a couple of her favorite sweaters, and pictures. Lots of pictures. I smile at the recipe cards and open up a journal that she used to write in all the time. It looks like she wrote stories about our family in it. God, I miss her.

When my mother passed, my stepfather got the house and the car. She left her money to her children...so me. It helps pay bills when I need it, but mostly it sits in a savings account. I used a lot of it to pay off her debts and kept the rest for a rainy day. So, when I find a couple stacks of cash in the bottom of the box I'm pretty surprised. I find a note attached.

Your mother always had a back up plan and only I knew where she hid it. I'm glad I found it before your stepfather did. He let me take some stuff for you when I went to the wake. figured you want some of her favorite things. -Dad

My mother was a fucking saint. I guess I need to go to the bank tomorrow. With this and her life insurance my kids will be set. I just wish my mother could be here to meet them. Whenever I have them. I take out a framed photo of me and my sister from when we were kids and sigh. She was the best little sister. "You okay?" Sam asks as Otis rubs up against my ankles.

"Yeah. I'm okay. Just some of her old stuff and more fucking money." I share.

"She always had a back up plan. She was like the ultimate mom. She was always ready for anything. I miss her." She shares and I nod. Sam was basically her honorary daughter since Sam didn't have the greatest home life so I know she is still torn up about it.

"Yeah me too." I agree. My phone buzzes in my pocket and I smile.

Scarlett: Rose heard her best friend was sick and wanted to make you soup. Is it okay if we bring it over to you?

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