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After making some calls and getting my suitcase ready, I'm actually kind of excited to go home. I don't know if I can call it home anymore but my dad is there and he always makes me feel safe. Lucy and Jack will hold down the fort at the shop so I don't have to worry about being there. I'll still be setting up the schedule and looking for bands for music night from my childhood home but at least I don't have to be there.

Sam is also going to go check in on the shop for me. She wanted to come back with me but I assured her I would be fine. I haven't heard from Flo or Scarlett and honestly I'm fine with that. They made a mess of my head and I don't need any more of that. I didn't go into the shop on Saturday since I had lunch with Lizzie and I'm not going today since I'm headed home so I can avoid seeing Scarlett too if she even went herself.

I'm currently on the train headed upstate while I watch out the window. My dad is excited to have me visit and is going to pick me up at the train station. I told Lucy and Jack to tell no one of my whereabouts so I can really disconnect from that mess in New York. Flo isn't there anymore but Scarlett is and that's enough to cause me stress. I end up taking a nap until my stop and quickly stand up with my duffle bag to exit when I see my dad waiting.

"Y/N!" He yells as I exit and I grin before running over to him. He wraps me in a tight hug and I take a deep breath to take in his comfortable scent. "I missed you so much." He whispers and I squeeze him tighter.

"I missed you too dad." I return and smile as he pulls away.

"Let's go to the house, pumpkin." He suggests and I nod as I follow him to his old pickup truck. I pause and look at the truck before taking a deep breath. I reach forward and tug on the handle to slip into the passengers seat. I quickly buckle my seat belt and hug my duffle on my lap. "You okay, Y/N?"

"Define okay?" I ask and he chuckles.

"Are you ready to get on the road...I can wait." He explains and I sigh.

"Yes, I'm okay. You can drive." I confirm. I hate being in cars. I haven't driven since the accident and I only get in the car with my dad. He knows that I struggle with it and makes sure I'm okay before he even turns on the car.

"So, what brings you back here?" He asks and I roll my eyes slightly. Of course he knows there's a reason, this man knows me better than I know myself.

"Well. I'm in a bit of a mess." I reveal easily.

"With the shop?" I shake my head. "With Sam?" I laugh but shake my head again. "Woman troubles?" He guesses and I nod.

"Big time." I confirm.

"What happened?" He asks as he pulls onto our street.

"Well...I met someone and then I met another someone. They both are well...unavailable." I start and he looks over to me once he parks in the driveway.

"Unavailable?" He asks and I nod.

"One has a boyfriend and the other is married with a child." I explain and he frowns.

"So why are they giving you troubles?" He asks.

"That's a great question." I reply then open the door and get out of the truck. I head to the front door and wait for him to unlock the door. Once it's open I rush in and drop my bag near the stairs before flopping onto the comfy couch.

"So...what happened?" He asks as he lifts my legs and sits down to rest them over his lap.

"One of them kissed me and then the other came over in a jealous rage and asked me to kiss her. So...I kissed two women within an hour I had no business kissing." I summarize.

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