Berry Borer

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"I'm sorry. For reacting so aggressively, it's none of my business." I decide and lean back from her hug that calmed me down quickly.

"It's okay. You're right. I shouldn't be punishing Rose for choices that weren't her own." She whispers and I shift awkwardly. "Thank you, for explaining your point of view. You're a great friend. Maybe uh. Maybe you could help me out? If, if that's something you want to do. I feel like I have no clue what I'm doing sometimes. I don't know how to react to her outbursts and you know what she's going through more than I do." She explains.

"Uh, yeah. I mean. Sure." I agree. What a simp. We share a small smile before continuing our journey to the gym. My gaze stays on the ground as we make our way there, too wrapped up in what's happening in my mind. Her grip on my wrist stops me and I look up, realizing I almost walked by the gym. "Oh." I state simply and follow her in. She doesn't let go of my wrist, so when I go in the direction of the locker room, I'm stopped from moving too far.

"We're okay right? You're okay?" She asks and searches my eyes.

"Yeah, of course." I confirm and she nods before pulling me into a quick hug. I return it before watching her walk away to get started with her trainer. I sigh and get ready before going to my spot. My music blasts in my ears as I get my frustration out. Our conversation brought up too much past trauma. I feel bad for being so mad at my mother still. She fucking died and I'm still mad at her for it. I'm mad that my parents got divorced and that my mother had to pass away before I could even get married. I get lost in my workout and jump in surprise when a hand is set on my shoulder. I take out my AirPods and turn to face her.

"I'm headed home, are you good?" She asks and I nod.

"Yeah great." I confirm. She hesitates but nods and squeezes my wrist before turning to leave. I check the time and decide it's time for me to head home too. I take a shower and flop onto my bed. Otis hops up and chooses to lay down on my butt. What a goof. My eyes settle on the picture on my nightstand of my mom and I, still full of so much life. "I miss you mom." I whisper and sigh.

My phone rings and I groan as I reach around for it. I find it and put it to my ear.

Me: Hello?

Sam: Hey, you good?

Me: Yeah why?

Sam: Uh, there are some pictures.

Me: Okay? Of what?

Sam: You and Scarlett. It looks like you are pissed at her.

Me: Oh fuck.

Sam: Yeah.

Me: Well, there goes that friendship.

Sam: You really think she will cut you off because of a few pictures? It's not like you're making out.

Me: She made me wear sunglasses the first time we ever hung out. I wouldn't be surprised.

Sam: I'm worried about you.

Me: I'm fine.

Sam: It's okay not to be

Me: I will be.

Sam: Okay. I love you.

Me: I love you too.

I hang up and smile at the warm feeling in my chest. Sam is great I love her. I scroll through my contacts and find the number I'm looking for.

Dad: Hey sweetie

Me: Hey, dad. How are you?

Dad: I'm doing okay bud

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