Cold Brew

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So...I'm in a pickle. I was blissfully doing my thing making special napkins for my celebrity crush until Lizzie Fucking Olsen asked me about them. Then, Scarlett asks about them and I tell her it's completely random, only to find out that she likely keeps the napkins that have doodles on them. I was fine with her thinking they were just random and not special whatsoever since it covered my ass but now...she keeps them?

I think about the day that she didn't get a doodle and she hesitated before leaving. At that point she probably thought I was mad at her for bruising my head but now she probably thinks it was just a random occurrence. She even wrote me back a note to apologize. Like how fucking cute was that? Does that mean she thought it was a special thing just for her? Oh fuck I screwed up. Or did I?

I mean, if we are friends I shouldn't be writing down poems about love on napkins for her. It makes it a little better that she thinks it's just random and not directed at her because then things could get awkward. Ugh, this is too much thinking for me. I sigh when I realize what tomorrow is. I really don't want to go to work tomorrow but then I wouldn't get to see her.

My phone rings and I answer it easily.

Me: Hi

Sam: Hey love. How you doing?

Me: I think I might break down

Sam: Whoa what happened?

Me: Scarlett might keep the napkins I doodle on and now I'm overthinking

Sam: Well that's interesting.

Me: And tomorrow.

Sam: Yeah, tomorrow. What if we have a besties day tomorrow?

Me: I don't know. I don't really feel like going anywhere.

Sam: We don't have to. I'll come over.

Me; Okay, I guess that's fine.

Sam: Scarlett won't get her napkin tomorrow.

Me: She thinks it's random now anyway.

Sam: Get some rest. You can tell me about what that means tomorrow.

Me: Okay. Bye, just use your emergency key in the morning.

Sam: Got it, night night.

I hang up and stare at my ceiling for another hour or so thinking about way too much. Eventually I pass out from exhaustion. I wake up to a warm body joining me in bed. "Morning." Sam greets and I smile.

"Hi." I croak out and she sighs as I roll onto my back.

"How'd you sleep?" She whispers and brushes some hair out of my face.

"Lousy." I share and yawn.

"Go back to bed, I'll make some food for when you wake up." She leans down to kiss my forehead before getting up and leaving me alone again. I curl into a blanket burrito and close my eyes to try and get back to bed. I manage to take a nap even though it's one of those naps where I'm aware I'm napping so it doesn't really help at all. When I wake up its around lunch time so I slowly stretch and try to convince myself to get up.

Once I manage to get dressed in some sweatpants and a hoodie, I drag my ass to my living room to sit on the couch next to Sam. "Morning sunshine. I made pancakes and a fruit salad." She informs me.

"Thank you. I'll eat in a second." I inform her as I lean my head onto her shoulder.

"No, you will eat it now." She decides and gets up. I sigh as my body flops to the side. She returns once she warms up my pancakes and I slide onto the floor to eat over the coffee table. "What show?" She asks.

Coffee Shop Napkins ~ Scarlett Johansson Where stories live. Discover now