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I tap my fingers on the counter as my eyes flicker over to the two blondes sitting so close yet so far. The book club is in full swing and the college students are hard at work. No one needs me right now, so maybe I can go sit with Rose and color. I feel so bad that she was so excited to hang out with me and was shut down. I find my be back in a minute sign and put it on the counter before making my way to them with a hot chocolate.

"Hey Little bean, mind if I sit here?" I ask Rose and she looks up with bright eyes as I set the hot chocolate down for her.

"I thought you had to work?" She asks and I frown.

"I do, but no one wants coffee right now. I can sit for a while." I offer and she nods before going back to coloring. I sit down slowly and smile at the doodles of trees. "Hey Rose." I get her attention again and hold out my fist. She smiles softly and bumps my fist before we both make explosion noises.

"Y/N, why are there so many people here?" She asks and I smile over to Scarlett in greeting. I don't want her to think I'm ignoring her.

"Well, a lot of these people are students that need to work on their homework. So they like to come and get coffee and get their work done." I explain patiently as she passes me a green crayon. I get to work on grass and stems for flowers. I blush when Scarlett leans forward form her seat opposite of me to draw petals using her purple crayon. Her gaze flickers to mine and we share a smile before she focuses back on her task. I smile softly at the way she bites her lip in concentration and how her eyelashes brush against her cheeks. Wait no, stop it.

"Can I come do my homework here?" Rose asks and I beam at the child.

"Of course you can." I confirm and she giggles adorably before coloring a blue sky. I observe her quietly and sigh when I realize this kid has my entire heart. I look over to Scarlett to find her already looking at me. Our eyes lock and I take note of the soft look she's giving me. The corner of her lip quirks into a small smile before her gaze drops again and she leans her cheek against her free hand. I hear the bell at the register ring and get up quickly to help out a customer.

As I'm about to head back over to the table, my phone rings.

Sam: Hey bitch

Me: Hi, what's up?

Sam: I haven't heard from you yet today.

Me: Sorry, I went to the gym and I had to cover this shift for Jack

Sam: Got it, you okay?

Me: Yes I'm good. Scarlett and Rose are here

Sam: Oooooo

Me: No stop it.

Sam: I don't know why you pretend you don't have a crush.

Me: It's not that I don't, it's that I can't do anything about it. She wants to be friends, so it's fine.

Sam: Whatever helps you sleep at night.

Me: That's not funny.

Sam: Sorry, I know thats a sore subject. Did you sleep okay last night?

Me: Yeah, I guess so.

Sam: Good. Get back to your girl, love you

Me: Love you too

I sigh and head back to the table to sit down. "You okay?" Scarlett asks quietly and Rose looks up to look at me as well.

"I'm great. I get to color with my little bean." I smile and wink at Rose. She smiles adorably and hands me a blue to help her color the sky. I look back at Scarlett and notice her observant gaze. "What?" I ask and she shrugs before going back to her flower petals.

Coffee Shop Napkins ~ Scarlett Johansson Where stories live. Discover now