Brewing Time

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When I wake up the next morning I briefly forget where I am and it takes me a minute to realize why I am even awake.

"Scarlett?" I hear a masculine voice echo down the hallway. Oh fuck. I try to sit up but the body still nestled into my side doesn't allow it. Fuck fuck fuck.

"Scar" I whisper and try to shake her awake. I look to the hallway when I hear his footsteps coming closer and panic. I somehow push her off my body and roll onto the floor to hide from her husband. Jesus fucking Christ what is my life. The door swings open and I hold my breath to try and remain hidden.

"Scar? Honey?" I hear him whisper as she starts to groan.

"What? What the fuck?" She mumbles as she begins to wake up. I slowly shuffle closer to the bed to try and get under it more.

"Hey, what are you doing in here?" Colin asks quietly and calmly and I wait in anticipation for her reply.

"What? Oh I...uh. I don't know. I just um...wanted to be closer to Rose." She pulls out of her ass. "What are you doing here, Colin? I asked you to give me space." She reminds him sternly as the bed shifts. She rolls out of bed and almost steps directly on me but plays it off when she realizes what is happening.

"I left my charger for my computer. I uh. I wanted to apologize too. For a lot of things." He explains and she quickly walks towards him. I listen as the conversation continues down the hallway away from the guest room.

"Well I don't want to hear it. Seriously, I don't want to see you and until I figure out what I want please respect that." I hear before they are out of earshot.

Well...this is not something I thought I would have to deal with today. I check the time on my watch and realize I should be getting to the shop to check in even though it's Saturday. I get up from the floor to check my phone and text Lucy that I won't be in today. I hear footsteps coming back up the stairs so scramble to hide in the attached bathroom.

"Y/N, he's gone." I hear her soft voice so I open the door and face her. She naturally slides her arms around my neck and cuddles into a hug that makes my body warm. She's so snuggly.

"Good morning, Scar." I greet and she hums in response as I squeeze her closer.

"Morning" She rasps out as she wiggles even closer. I laugh lightly as her attempt makes me stumble back.

"Scar, you are already as close as you can get" I point out as I rub up and down her back.

"I was cheated out of morning snuggles." She explains and I sigh at her cuteness. She squeaks in surprise when I bend down and wrap my arms around her thighs. She laughs lightly but it blossoms in volume as I body slam her onto the mattress. She watches with interest and a sweet smile on her face as I crawl over her body. I go to plop my body weight down onto her but I pause when she reaches up to wrap her arms around my neck.

I get lost in the look she's giving me from beneath me until she tilts her head in confusion. "What?" She asks and I shrug. I go to lean down to kiss her lips, wanting to feel the lightness from last night again but stop myself and snuggle into her neck instead. She giggles lightly as one hand combs through my hair. "You're a cuddly starfish." She teases pointing out how my limbs are spread out.

"Comfy." I mumble into her neck and dig my arms around her body to hug her close. This is really nice.

"Thank you for the morning snuggles." She whispers sending shivers down my spine. I focus on how comfortable I am instead of all the questions in my head. We can stay like this for a while before it's ruined by uncertainties and complications.

"Mommy!" I hear as little feet patter down the hall. Oh shit. I go to move but Scarlett's grip around my back tightens. Wait no, this isn't a good idea. "Y/N!" The little flower squeals when she realizes and I lift my head to give her a hesitant smile.

"Good morning, little bean." I greet as she scrambles to get into bed with us. What is happening? This is not good.

"Good morning, Rosie." Scar greets and I smile as they share a sweet kiss. I shift over a little as Rose wiggles her way into our cuddle, effectively smushing Scarlett between us.

"Morning mommy. Y/N is still here." She states the obvious as she stares at me. I stick my tongue out at her and she giggles happily.

"She had a sleepover." Scarlett explains and my stomach drops. This has got to be confusing for her.

"But you only sleep in bed with Colin." She points out and I sigh...exactly what I didn't want. Now she's going to be confused.

"Not like that baby, like when you and your friends have a sleep over." Scarlett covers up and I let her, even though I don't like lying to children.

"Oh...okay." Rose decides and closes her eyes to snuggle further into her mommy. We fall into a comfortable silence and I lean up onto my elbow to look down at the two blondes. I smile softly as Scar kisses her daughters forehead before looking over to me. Her hand that was set on my back moves to comb my air out of my face.

"How did you sleep?" She asks and I shrug.

"Really a baby." I answer.

"I slept really good too mommy." Rose butts in and I smile over to the nugget.

"That's great baby. Mom and Y/N have something to talk about, do you want to go pick out an outfit for the park and decide what you want for breakfast?" Scar prompts and Rose nods before rolling out of bed easily and running down the hall.

I keep my attention on the doorway as I think about the past 24 hours. So much has happened and we have so much to talk about. I just hope we actually get to talk about it. I felt...dirty this morning when I had to hide from her husband and I don't like that feeling at all. No matter how much I like her and how amazing she is, I don't want to be a side piece.

"Hey...your thoughts are loud." She whispers.

"Yeah? Then what am I thinking?" I challenge her as my gaze switches to her face. I lose my breath at how intently she's watching me as her finger traces my facial features. I realize my free hand is set on her clothed hip so I rub at her hip bone.

" need to stop that." She teases so I lift my hand away. She pouts and reaches for my arm to make sure our hands are clasped together instead. My eyes fall to our joined hands as she rubs the back of my hand with her thumb, waiting for her to read my mind. "You're thinking complicated things got so quickly. And don't want complicated. You want to talk about it and...make sure we do what's best for Rose." She patiently formulates as my gaze continues to observe our joined hands.

"I don't want to hurt her. I don't want to confuse her. We need to figure out what this is and what we want to do before we are like this around her or tell her anything. She already caught us in bed together...I just. I don't want to hurt her." I explain and I see her nod out of my peripheral.

"I don't know what to do next. But I do know that I...I um." She stumbles and my eyes snap over to watch as she struggles to explain what she feels.

"If you can't say it...then I don't want to be a part of it." I whisper.

"Y/N...I like you...a lot. That seems so childish to say. But I do. I have these...feelings that I'm still trying to figure out. But I can't figure them out while also trying to figure out my marriage. I don't...I don't know what to do." She explains and I nod.

"I don't want to be a side piece...or a rebound. I...I deserve better than that." I state confidently and internally pat myself on the back for standing my ground.

"You aren't. You won't be. Give me time. I can figure things out with Colin and make sure I do what's best for Rose. Just...please give me time." She requests and I nod. As much as I hate to admit it...I'd wait for this woman forever.

A/N Well...they finally actually talked about things...kind of! They were clear with what they needed so let's see where it goes. What do you think? Let me know!

Brewing Time: refers to the period of time in which the water comes in contact with the ground coffee (when the extraction happens)

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