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The last 24 hours have been...eventful the say the least. I find out that Scarlett and Colin are separated, we kiss a little bit, I sleep over, Colin almost finds me in bed with his wife, and now I'm headed home after Scarlett asked for time.

Rose was a little disappointed that I decided to head home and not to the park with them. We had some yummy pancakes for breakfast and didn't have to deal with any more questioning from Rose thankfully. It was hard to leave their pouty faces behind but I think some quality mommy daughter time will be good for them.

I greet Otis who is very mad at me when I walk in. "I'm sorry I left you alone for the night bud." I whisper as I hold him close to my face to give him kisses. He meows softly so I set him down on the back of the couch. He curls into a ball to nap so I slump onto the couch and stare up at the ceiling for a few minutes to think. I smile softly as I think about staying with Scarlett. About how she wanted me there for her and was so worried when I was away. She's quickly become someone special to me and I think I'm special to her too.

I mean, she asked me to give her time to think about what she wants. It's possible that she wants me and that is enough to make my heart beat out of my chest. It feels good that she finally told me that she likes me even if I do want more than that. I can wait.

I sit up slightly and my eyes drop to the stack of napkins from my shop, each with Rose's doodles and a poem written in Scar's elegant script. I guess this is as good as time as any to see what she wrote on the other 6 napkins I haven't read yet.

I have lived long enough to know that people break promises, life is what you make it and true love exists. (J. Iron Word, Live Loud, Love Loud, pg. 13)

I actually really like this one and I'm glad that it stood out to her too. I wonder what deeper meaning she finds in it. I hum in thought and carefully set it down to read the next one.

Love is not a word; it is a series of never ending actions. (Pg 14)

Okay...interesting. I don't know how to take these. Do they mean something like mine do? Or are they just poems that caught her eye because of Colin? I bite my lip and set it aside to read the next. I smile at the doodles of purple flowers that fill the napkin.

We do not want a love on life support; give us a stable love that blows the doors off of doubt (pg. 20)

Okay...so she wants stability. I do too and I think that's why this is so scary for me. She has stability already and figuring things out with me would just mess that up for her and Rose. I sigh and start to read the next napkin.

Maybe it is not about finding the one that turns your world upside down, but in meeting the one that keeps your world right side up. (Pg. 25)

Oh...wow I really like this one. Maybe I can be the one that makes her feel like her world is right side up. I want to be that person for her. To be there for her when everything feels wrong or when she feels unsafe or sad. I want to be there for it all. I want to be her person. I smile softly at the last napkin in my hand.

Sometimes you just need the right light shining on you to see your true reflection. (Pg. 33)

Damn...this is a good one too. One of my favorites. I want to be that person for someone. I want to help her see how amazing she is because even though she seems confident, I can also see her insecurity and how unsure she can be. She can be so guarded and I think it's because she's afraid to be herself around people she doesn't know.

But, what the fuck do I know. These probably don't mean shit about us and are just one's she liked. I jump slightly when my phone buzzes and smile when I see her name on my phone screen. I unlock my phone to open our message chain as Otis decides he isn't mad anymore and cuddles into my neck. I smile at the picture of the two cuties cheek to cheek smiling wide. They look so adorable.

Coffee Shop Napkins ~ Scarlett Johansson Where stories live. Discover now