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I take a deep breath as I exit the car, and lean up against it for support for a second. Today has been a lot and now here I am, visiting the gravestones I haven't seen since their funerals. I look up when a tiny gloved hand slips into mine and I smile down at Rose who is looking around curiously.

"This is where your mommy and Maggie are sleeping forever right?" She asks and I nod.

"Yes, nugget. Do you want to meet them?" I ask and smile over to Scarlett who takes my other hand.

"Yes." Rose replies simply, so I lead them down to the path slowly. Rose is having a grand old time kicking at the snow in her path while Scar cuddles into my side. I slow down as we near the stones and stop in between the two simple gravestones, my last name on both. "Hello, Maggie." Rose greats and drops my hand to stand in front of my little sister's stone.

I look to my side when Scarlett hugs my arm, her head resting on my shoulder. "Uh, hi mom. Hi Mags. This is Scarlett and Rose." I greet awkwardly. I don't really know what else to say so I watch Rose, who observes the two stones curiously before bending down to gather some snow in her hands.

She sits her little butt down in the snow, but she has ski pants on so she won't get her clothes wet. We watch as she starts making snowballs, each slightly smaller than the last until she has 3 really nice spheres.

I smile when she places the biggest right in front of Maggie's name, then stacks the medium size then the smallest. She hums in thought and looks around the area. She spots some older flowers sticking up from the snow and pulls out the frozen stems to stick them into her snowman for arms. I stick my hands in my pockets to see if I have anything to contribute.

"Here Rose" I prompt and hand over two pennies from my pockets. She sticks them into the top sphere for eyes without question.

"I need a smile, Mama." She reminds Scarlett who pulls out a granola bar from her pocket. She crouches down as she opens it up and breaks off some peanuts Rose can use for the smile. We watch as she finishes her masterpiece then steals the rest of the bar to eat as she sits in the snow peacefully.

"Mommy?" She asks and my heart flips, still not used to the name.

"Yeah nugget?" I ask.

"Can you tell me a story about your mommy and Maggie?" She requests. I share a look with Scarlett before staring at the names on the stones to think of one.

"Well, we used to go snowboarding all the time together when we were kids. Maggie was really good. My mom taught us how to do it and we would go as much as we could on the weekends in the winter. We even went through trails in the woods until I fell and broke my wrist." I share.

"Did your mommy make it better? Mama always makes my boo boos feel better." Rose shares and continues to munch on the granola bar. Scarlett squeezes my hand that rests in my pocket to keep us warm. She turns her face to snuggle into my collarbones and continues to listen.

"She did. She made me hot coco and soup. I didn't get to play soccer though and it made me really sad. So Maggie helped me paint while I had to heal. That's actually how I started painting. I had to use both hands to make anything look good so now I can paint with both hands." I share as a smile grows on my face.

"Can we get ice cream now?" Rose requests, causing laughs to erupt from both of our mouths.

"Sure, let's go." I decide and help her up off the ground. We swing her between us as we walk back to the car and I can't wipe the smile off my face as I listen to her giggles. I'm thankful that they came with me to visit, I don't feel an ounce of sadness with them here and I love it.

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