Iced Coffee

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The rest of the week was pretty uneventful. Well, I mean, I did get to see Scarlett every day but we've kept our space outside of the shop. Even though we both really want to spend time with each other, I think we both are cautious about pushing too far. I'm afraid to get too far into something but I'm not sure why she hasn't tried anything either. I mean, she was the one that would ask for sleepovers and just kind of show up at my house but she hasn't done that at all. We've been texting though, which has been really nice. I'm getting to know her better and it feels nice and comfortable.

Today is Sunday, which means I get to attend the Rangers game with Scar and the Little Bean. The Rangers are playing the Islanders which are one of their rivals so this should be interesting. I'm waiting on the corner of my street for the two blondes to meet me before we head to the game. I smile when I spot them walking down the block towards me and laugh when Rose takes off into a sprint when she sees me. "Bean!" She squeals as she launches her body towards me.

I catch her and accept her chaotic hug. "Hi little bean, are you excited?" I ask even though I can feel the excitement buzzing out of the tiny human.

"Yes! I love hockey! Mommy surprised me with the tickets!" She exclaims as she leans back in my arms.

"That's so awesome little bean. Is it okay that I'm going too?" I ask her and she nods ten times in a row.

"Yes! You will make it even more fun!" She decides and wiggles to get down. I set her down and lock eyes with Scarlett who's quietly watching the interaction, a small smile on her lips.

"Well I'm glad you want me there Rose...Hi Scarlett." I greet with a half smile as I shift on my feet awkwardly.

"Hey Y/N." She greets back before stepping forward to pull me into a quick hug. I squeeze slightly tighter before we both pull away to share a small smile.

"Ready for the game?" I ask and she nods before pulling her phone out.

"Gonna get an Uber." She mutters as she sets it up so I turn my attention to the tiny human who grabbed onto my hand.

"Y/N, when can I go to music night again?" Rose asks and I frown.

"Whenever you want, nugget." I answer easily.

"That's what my mommy calls me" Rose giggles before continuing. "Mommy said we couldn't go though." She reveals with a slight pout.

"Oh I'm sorry. Your mom knows best though. Maybe next time!" I encourage and she nods before looking down at her feet to kick a random rock. My face scrunches in confusion. Why wouldn't Scarlett want to go?

"Alright, here is our car. Let's go!" Scar directs with an adorable excited tone that makes Rose perk up. I open the door for the two and watch as Scar slides in before Rose crawls into the middle seat. I sit down while they buckle in and look out the window as we make the trip downtown to Madison Square Garden. My mind wanders a bit too much for my liking. Is she being weird? Or am I just looking too much into it?

I listen to Rose ramble about the hockey game and past games she has gone to. It's really cute how much she's actually invested. "Y/N? Have you ever been to a Rangers game?" She asks, pulling me back into the conversation.

"I haven't actually. This is my first time. I'm glad I get to go with you." I share and she beams as she kicks her legs a little bit. We make it there in no time at all and head through the whole entry procedure. Once we get to our seats, Rose demands that she sits in the middle which we don't complain about at all since it ensures her safety.

When the game starts, Rose is standing up and cheering her team on. Whenever someone gets checked she shouts "It's okay! You go get them!" and its the cutest thing I've ever seen. When one of the Rangers checks someone else her little fist is risen into the air as she cheers. This is way too much.

Coffee Shop Napkins ~ Scarlett Johansson Where stories live. Discover now