Prologue: Experiment

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Informatory: This is a section for those that do not know about Lady Nagant's official biological information.

Name: Kaina Tsutsumi

Height: 5'7"

Age: The Wiki states in her late 30's, so I'll be placing her at 37 years old which is a flat 20 year difference until Midoriya's birthday after the final exams.



"Principal Nezu, sir." All Might greeted as he poked his skinny head through the crack of the door. The animal hybrid administrator stood on the top of his own desk, waddling back and forth to observe the many strewn about pieces of paper. Coffee steamed from an early white mug, the strong smell of 'Get up and go juice' flooding the room both pleasantly and unpleasantly. Depending on who was being asked. "You wanted to see me?"

"Ah yes, good morning All Might." Principal Nezu replied. "Please come in. There is something we would like to discuss with you."

"We?" All Might asked as he entered the room. Due to the door being partially open he missed the figure of Detective Tsukauchi beside the principal's desk standing with an open can of cold coffee. "Oh, please excuse me Tsukauchi. I didn't see you there."

"No worries All Might." The detective answered. "I wouldn't hold it against the Symbol of Peace for not seeing me in a room."

"Please have a seat, there is much to discuss and we would like your opinion on this matter."

All Might did as he was requested, taking a seat in a chair placed directly in front of the principal's desk. The phone of Tsukauchi vibrated in the left pocket of his sweater, responding to it quickly before pocketing it immediately after. Principal Nezu procured two manila folders, each holding their own stacks of paper of an abundant number. "Whichever you prefer to start with. Though, I suggest the left one first."

Reaching for the folder on the left All Might opened it up to reveal a mugshot of a woman wearing an orange jumpsuit, immediately being recognized. "Huh."

Lady Nagant - 656698

"The Lovely Lady."

"You know her yes?" The hybrid asked.

"Of course. I had my run-ins with her a while back when she used to be a part of the Safety Commission. She seemed like a promising hero at the time but, to think she'd end up in that dastardly place of Tartarus. It's a shame."

"I don't normally work with the Commission on stuff like this but uh for this certain situation I figured you'd want to know about it before anything else happens." Tsukauchi said. "It was supposed to be Hawks here in my place, though they recommended it was me instead of him. You'll know why later."

"Despite being in her current predicament of Tartarus, we must look at the service history of Lady Nagant first." Principal Nezu said, lifting the mug of coffee up to his mouth with his paws before continuing. "She was an excellent member of the commission, a fine marksman who even Snipe says holds one of the greatest skill sets in all of Japan. Outside of the commission she held an optimistic outlook on life and strived to be a great hero. Even going as far as to put her life on the line to save children during an awful storm."

"So where did it all go wrong then?" All Might asked as he skimmed through the documents. Basic information, service records, physical reports. Just a few of the many papers of information inside the folder.

"As the number of years with the commission began to grow, so too did her cynicism and disillusionment. You of all heroes should know that the activities within that organization aren't exactly the most ideal when it came to a better future. They were at times necessary yes but, at the same time it took a heavy toll upon their mind. Our Lovely Lady being one of them after killing a colleague."

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