35: Wake Up

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Cold. Freezing, even. The touch of a foreign object replacing what was once natural and authentic was a touch one dared not to feel in their lifetime. Prosthetics were a useful tool no doubt for those who have lost a limb or two but, the feeling of metal binding itself against flesh to act as a natural part of the body could never own up to being the real thing. No matter how advanced the technology may be, it will always remain metal.

Sluggish. Drowsy and groggy. The world appeared to be constantly swirling in a mix of colors and objects even though it wasn't, but eyelids felt heavy and vision was compromised from the lack of proper use over several weeks. Images were faded and it was difficult for one specific object to set in it's place and remain there without warbling or distorting in and out of reality. If this was even reality to begin with that is, senses were so corrupted the line between the dream world and real world was heavily botched from certainty. What were the senses to begin with?



The low tone of somebody's heart beat could be heard nearby, coming from the right it seems. Touch?


There was the soft feeling of a thin blanket underneath the body, smooth with the tiniest quality of an almost parchment feel within the material. Smell?


There wasn't any outstanding smell, not one that could be picked up on by the nose at least. Unless oxygen somehow had a fragrance to it. Sight? Why bother with sight seeing as how the world continued to warble and shift around like a fun house dimension. Tiny seemed big and big seemed thin and bent similar to odd shapings of boomerangs and trinkets. Was this real?

"-and how long will he continue to be in this state of his?"

"Well he did just wake up so it's going to take a little bit of time for his body to catch up to proper functioning speed. His vision's going to be a bit wobbly and he might find the strength in his muscles to be lacking from inactivity of using them like he did before. Even with the nurses moving his arms while in comatose he'll have to set into a routine-"

Voices now, two of them. One of them faintly recognized and the other being completely new, a male of some sort like a doctor almost. The voices came from the right with the world rolling over in that direction to find a woman with green hair standing in front of somebody and speaking to them, but the person in question being spoken to was not able to be seen. Only the very tips of their shoes were able to be spotted and on top of that why did it seem as if the woman was slanted almost. It's as if she was on the verge of sliding and disappearing into the strange void that blocked the right side of the vision.

The woman nodded her head and the sound of shoes clicking against the floor could be heard until they exited from the room, the woman strolling over to the right side of the bed where vision was seemingly sliced in half. Part of her lower body disappeared into nothing but the upper body remained whole as she leaned against the right of the bed with a concerned expression on her face. "Izuku? Can you hear me?"

Midoriya breathed deeply with his eyes shutting and on the very end of his exhale he slowly nodded, opening his eyes to a little ways over the halfway point. "Hey Mom. Yeah I can hear you."

"How do you feel?"

"...tired...like I wanna take a nap."

"Hmph, oh no you don't you're not allowed to do that after the very long nap you've just taken. The doctor says you're going to be a little out of it for a bit so try and stay awake if you can."

Lovely Lady Nagant (IzukuxLadyNagant)Where stories live. Discover now