14: Unknowing

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"Sweetened sauce...with a pinch of negi onion and pepper..."

Mrs. Midoriya hummed as she exited from her bedroom and pausing when the multitude of smells and cooked aromas hit her like a freight train. Turning to her kitchen she spotted her son with an abundance of ingredients spilled out over the counter along with a large pot over a current medium heat. It was faint but as she grew closer she could hear what appeared to be muttering or whispering, the sound of crinkled wrapping being taken off a pack of uncooked ramen noodles.

"Izuku?" The mother asked with the wrapping being tossed into a nearby trash can. Approaching the counter there was a pack of uncooked beef, an assortment of vegetables, another pack of noodles and several types of seasonings. "What's all this?"

"Oh good morning Mom, just wanted to try something new today for the bento box." The son greeted, putting the ramen in a bath of soon to be boiling water. "I found this recipe online yesterday and I wanted to try it, hope you don't mind."

"Why have you been trying so many recipes lately? Are you interested in cooking or something?"

"No not really it's uh...for a friend of mine."

"Your friend? What kind of friend is it that you come home from school every day make a bento box leave then come back hours later? It's not Katsuki is it? He knows he and his family can come over whenever."

"Noooo. It's...it's, u-uh...Mom can I tell you something?"

"Not that I would ever turn you away."

"I-I found out that I could tell you this last night but I was a bit tired so I forgot to tell you, sorry. But now I can so here it is." Midoriya started. "You know how I've been telling you that I was attending after school lessons to help improve my Quirk? I uh, I lied about those BUT-BUT I have a reason for it. Instead of going to after school lessons I've been...I've been seeing a prisoner."

"A prisoner?"

"Yeah. Of uh, of Tartarus."



"Izuku, whuh...what-first off I am genuinely confused as to why you would go to one of the most dangerous places on this planet." His mom scolded. "Secondly, you're telling me that all of that food has been given to a convict of Tartarus?!"

"Yeah but, she's a good convict I promise! Look, what I'm about to say is a lot so please stay with me Mom. During my week of internships Hawks approached me and said that the Safety Commission was trying to initiate a project that needed me to be in it. Apparently, they wanted me to have a sit down one-on-one with one of their former members in an attempt to 'rehabilitate' her. To this day I still don't have a clear idea as to what exactly I'm trying to help them rehabilitate from since there's only so much information Hawks is allowed to give me but I'm trying my best regardless of what I lack.

We've been doing these, I guess, therapy, sessions. Therapy isn't exactly the right word I should use but basically all we do is sit down with each other and I talk to them like any other normal person would. Like friends essentially. They say that the whole point is for me to help this person but again, I don't exactly know what I'm helping them with outside of an event that I can think of that may have occurred. Recently though I have been getting a little suspicious that it could be something else entirely but, they've never shed any light on it. All the packed lunches I've been making were given to them because at first, I wanted to make a sort of peace offering you know? Something that could help me get on their good side and make things a little easier. But soon after that I started to make the lunches because uh...well...I like making stuff for them. They're a really nice person and smart and they have a lot of knowledge when it comes to being a hero and as a person that it makes them invaluable to me.

Lovely Lady Nagant (IzukuxLadyNagant)Where stories live. Discover now