16: Granted

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"Same old Deku same old stupidities. Just give up and die will ya?!"


"Apologies but may we pause this for a moment?"


"I want to pause on this for a moment and establish something. At any point, Midoriya did not request for assistance from his teammates." Once again, the escort team along with Principal Nezu were present in the faculty meetings office, a projector displaying a recording of yesterday's training simulation revolving escorting a client. Ectoplasm would be the one noting the lack of communication. "Meaning that in his mind he burdened it upon himself to be the one taking down Bakugo without assistance of those around him."

"Bakugo's the only one in that class that would have given Midoriya the proper fight and resistance, no doubt he would have wanted to stop Bakugo on his own just to prove a point to us." Aizawa commented. "If it had been any other student in that position they wouldn't have gone 100%. Bakugo however, was the right choice for the job."

"I think what Ectoplasm wants to be taken into account here above all else is the lack of communication from Midoriya to his other teammates. If he carries over that sort of mindset onto I-Island, that will not bode well for you five." Nezu added. "Should there be a situation where Nagant were to get out of hand and it's only him in the vicinity and he does not inform any of you of the situation? The chances of an incident occurring rise substantially. This scenario was a coin flip.

On one side it's the students protecting the escort from a crowd that could strike out at any moment. On the other side, it's Midoriya protecting the crowd from an escort that could strike out at any moment. Now whether or not Nagant would have a reason as to attack the crowd around her isn't much of a concern since the main focus would have been her attacking the team responsible for escorting her first. Once she's been able to dispatch those responsible for monitoring her actions then she would have free access to do whatever she wants, fleeing and escaping from Tartarus's system probably being the most likely situation she'll incur. And if that were to happen, then Midoriya has placed himself into a very ugly reality."

"If I'm being honest? I think I'm more so accepting of the fact that he WON'T notify us." Midnight said. "Depending on how close he and Kaina have forged their bond it's possible that he won't alert us for the sake of her not being injured. From what I've heard based off of what he tells me from time to time, he views her so closely as a friend of his and that he wants what's best for her. It's a sweet thing really but sweetness isn't going to convince a convict to always do the right thing. I'm not suggesting that we force ourselves to remain at his side at all times but, I'm worried that's what we might have to do for I-Island."

"Hell I reckon Midoriya is more so interested in getting close to the snake than to worry about the fangs." Snipe commented. "And I'm for damn sure willin' to bet money on the fact that Nagant ain't been in that cell sittin' pretty all day long and letting the rust coat her skill. With skill like she had back then? That's a lifetime of experience and wits forged from her own damn hands. Hate to say it but, I ain't sure he's ready for this."

"He'll have to be, and we'll tell him. Bakugo doesn't come close to the level of skill and efficiency that Kaina has so it's important that we sit down with Midoriya and speak with him about what he needs to know moving forward. I'll support him yes, but that doesn't mean I'm going to shut up and blindly follow along with what he has to say. I'm still his teacher after all and as his teacher it's my responsibility to give him advice where advice is needed."

"Midnight is correct, and that goes for all of you not just her." The hybrid chimed. "Despite not being the ones in charge of the grouping please know that you are not below giving Midoriya instructions and advice on how to proceed with the escort. Though, don't take too much power and freedom away from him, even though this is no time to be fooling around I do believe this is a perfect opportunity for him to receive experience on how hero groups can at times function with each other when it comes to team-oriented objectives. This will be ideal for him to learn I'm sure of it."

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