18: Butterfly

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A clock ticked quietly, but no noise outside of that same ticking rhythm coming from the clock in a hotel room. Said room was massive, a bed on each side of the domain with a purple suitcase on the left bed and a standard black suitcase with a red backpack over the other bed. On the edge of the first bed was a silent, isolated Lady Nagant who had her body facing towards the large window pane that replaced the wall of the hotel room where it then led out onto a short balcony that gave the perfect view of I-Island from the top floor of the hotel. There were no words from the woman, no sound, no gestures no nothing of the sorts. She just seemed very dead in her own way.

Through a small crack of the open door Midnight spied on Nagant from out in the hall, sighing before she closed it almost entirely, leaving the smallest sliver open for it to be pushed if need be. Circled out in the hall were her along with Midoriya and the other teachers, the student being the one to speak up first. "Anything?"

"Nope, she's still in that same position looking out the window." Midnight answered. "Hasn't moved ever since we got here."

"Huhhhh, what a great start. And here I was promising myself I'd make this trip memorable for her and now not even five minutes past getting the entrance....that happens."

"It's the time of the Open Expo, it was only normal for the number of people and reporters to be swarming here."

"But for them to literally HARASS Tsutsumi like that they didn't give her any space to breathe!"

"When a mob gets going for a hero of high reputation it's very difficult for a group of heroes to calm down even one person out of that mob." Eraserhead explained. "The fault doesn't fall completely on you, it falls on all of us. We were too busy thinking they would be attracted to us that we didn't think they would surround Nagant either. Just goes to show how reputable she was during her time as a hero."

"When I tried to get closer she looked so, scared." Midoriya informed. "I couldn't hear what they were saying to her over everybody that was yelling but, she just looked so terrified of what was going on around her. And to be honest it scared me too. I've always seen her to be so calm and collected, then to see her be scared of all the people around her, it hurt to see it happen and the fact that I couldn't get closer to help her-"

"Enough." Midnight ordered. "Aizawa is right, the fault goes for all of us you're not the one here to be fully responsible. You might be the one in charge here but as a team we all share the blame. Next time, we'll do better."

"Are you certain that you rooming with her will be the correct thing to do Midoriya?" Ectoplasm asked. "I'm sure Midnight would be more than willing to exchange rooms with you if you don't feel comfortable in a scenario like that."

Midoriya sighed. "I've already let her down once today, I can't do it again for as long as we're here. If she needs something I want to be the first person there to help her with whatever it is, plus all of our rooms are practically right next to each other so if I'm in trouble I could just yell and one of you will come running. I want to make this memorable for her, but I don't know if she'd be willing to go out again after what happened."

"Ask her." Midnight suggested. "Go in there and if she's willing to talk, see if she wants to do something. We'll be out here waiting and discussing until you decide what to do."

The student nodded, departing from his spot in the circle to make for the two bedroom suite. Quietly and gently as he could Midoriya pushed the door open as to not make too much noise on his entry, finding the woman to be in the same exact spot she's been in since their arrival to the hotel. Like it was before he closed the door to just barely having a sliver open, took a deep breath in through the nose out through the mouth, and made his way to the bed where the woman sat on.

Lovely Lady Nagant (IzukuxLadyNagant)Where stories live. Discover now