38: Confusing

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"Looks like he stepped on a fire urchin."

"Stepped on me? Stepped on me? Are you kiddin'? This guy was dancin' on me. I mean just look at this, broken broken gone gone broken broken broken."


"Error. No matching results for 6910-WR."

"Tch, dang it." Hatsume clicked her tongue in annoyance when a search result for a postal code came up with nothing for the hundredth time in a row, or what she thinks to be the hundredth time in a row. She's forgotten by now. Her head plopped itself onto the support of her left hand as her right fingers glumly tapped over the keyboard in front of her whilst she stared at the screen of the computer with defeat and disappointment. In her sulking the large door to the Support Studio slid open, prompting Hatsume to release the support of her neck and merely drop her head back to see Kendo and Yaoyorozu stepping inside with the door sliding shut behind them. "Oh, hey you two."

"What up Hatsume." Kendo greeted as she and Yaoyorozu dragged nearby stools to a work bench in the center of the Studio to seat themselves. "Are you still trying to find that postal code Nagant asked you to look for? You do remember us telling you yesterday that we're not required to be involved with the investigation anymore right?"

"Yeahhhhhh but, I dunno I figured I may as well help get at least one thing done before stepping out for good. Then again searching for information like this isn't really my style. Sucks though I really was curious for the investigation so I could hopefully find out what kind of bomb was put inside their hotel room. Imagining an explosive payload like that on one of my launcher babies is REALLY going to catch the support companies' eyes now!"

"Uh-huh, as well as the news report of a student being arrested and put away for creating a device that mangled somebody. Speaking of mangled hey Midoriya didn't look too bad yesterday did he? Dunno why but I was expecting a lot worse than how he looked. Cool looking hand prosthetic thou-"

"Did you say hand prosthetic as in a prosthetic that can be modified and adjusted like it would with any baby of mine?" Hatsume whispered in Kendo's right ear, the Representative quivering at how the Support student even managed to bypass the rules of reality itself and get close to her. From the furthest right corner of her vision Kendo could see the cross hair pupil brightly staring into her soul as it got closer. "Did you?"


Hatsume's crosshair pupil quivered as if it was bound to explode before she pulled away and threw both arms and head into the air. "YES! Now THAT sounds like something that fits my style! I need to prepare, OH I NEED TO PREPARE THE BABIES! A chainsaw? No, a grenade launcher? No, a conversion device that absorbs kinetic energy and changes the properties of the energy into a BLAST-"

"Yikes." Kendo winced as the blabbering Hatsume exploded towards the giant pile of Support gadgets that cluttered a single corner, item after item continuously soaring over the latter's head as she dug through the pile. "Should not have mentioned anything like that."

"On the contrary you should have mentioned this when you guys came back from I-Island yesterday! But no matter, I could still whip up a fresh new baby that'll replace any boring hand prosthetic out there! Midoriya's included! But before any of that why are you two here? What with the investigation team disbanded there really isn't any need to come back here anymore?"

Kendo shrugged. "Yeah it is but, I dunno we've been down here so often for the talks of the search that it feels weird not to be in here anymore after school. 'Course, I'm sure the guys have their own little thing that's better than being in here but eh let 'em be. Speaking of guys how's Kaminari doing Yaomomo? He's not tweaking the hell out in your dorm over this is he?"

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