IX: Developing

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Displacement: The act or process of moving something from it's original position. Normally tied to the occupation of a submerged mass in a volume otherwise occupied by the fluid state of matter.

Descension: The act of moving downward, dropping or more commonly known as falling.

Shock: An upsetting or sudden appearance of a surprising event that causes one's body to act based on the reaction. Increase of blood pressure and abnormal heart rate are two of several symptoms.

Realization: The act of coming to terms with the awareness of something known as a fact. Such as the fact that something was not right in a certain situation and hence cause one to become alert with the gain of information. Conclusion?

Midoriya's displacement from the rooftop now led to his descension towards the hard surface of the darkened alley concrete. The shock coming after the realization that death was approaching.

Head first he tumbled and turned at a sideways angle, his vision spinning and discombobulating the sense of keeping focus. His screams of terror echoed off the sturdy brick walls but other than one person, nobody heard him. These buildings were long abandoned apartment complexes in queue to be torn down and replaced with something new so outside of his aggressor nobody would come to save him. His organs sloshed and jumbled around inside him to cause the feeling of nausea and dizziness, the forces of gravity punishing him with a dreadful feeling. Each cycle brought him closer to the fate of splattering like a human water balloon and for a split second he accepted what was to come. Painless is what he prayed for.

Something heavy and swift bulldozed into his back and changed his momentum of falling into now being carried upwards at an angle. His body remained inverted with head pointing towards the Earth as he was carried in a left curve up and above the dark alley. Hawks being both assailant and rescuer, the man held onto Midoriya's upside down body until he slowly lowered himself back onto the rooftop from where he tossed the student over the ledge. Once his feet touched the ground he pushed the body off of his shoulder, face kissing the granules of pebble and rock with front torso crashing flat against the surface.

"Once you're done returning your breakfast through your trap, speak to me." Hawks said coldly in turning away from the laid out student and towards a different edge of the roof. "I don't wanna talk to you while you're gurgling on your own liquids."


"There it goes."

Rising onto his knees Midoriya heaved and choked at the uncomfortable sensation that was forming at the back of his throat. After several desperate dry heaves and deep breaths what he didn't want to come out eventually did, forcing him to double over onto his hands and spew out the contents of his stomach. Near the ledge, Hawks stared out over the roof top and concentrated on anything but the sound of wet chunks splashing against the roof top. For something that he's done so many times in the past to those who deserved it the throwing up part just never seemed to be something he grew accustomed to. Probably because if he stood close enough the smell was absolutely rancid, hence the several meter gap between he and the student.

A minute of retching, pausing in between gaps to take much needed breaths and retching again, Midoriya remained on his hands and knees until the very last feeling of wanting to puke finally left his body. Lightheaded from the unpleasant experience of falling and vomiting he swiveled his head upwards to glare at the back of Hawks' head in silence. As if he knew he was being mean mugged the hero turned his body just enough for one eye to be staring back at the student. "Huff...Huff...You know I could....Huff...Report you for this."

"You could." Hawks shrugged. "But if you do that then you wouldn't find the answers that you're looking for."

"How is, hoh boy, how is throwing me off of the freaking roof an answer to my question?!"

Lovely Lady Nagant (IzukuxLadyNagant)Where stories live. Discover now