13: Agent Of Darkness

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This is absolutely absurd, and you know that Agent.

Huhhhh, yup. Batshit crazy is the term I'd like to use for this Warden but unfortunately I ain't really got a say in the matter I'm just here playing messenger boy. Pays good though.

You do realize just what sort of chaos will be unleashed if this goes through, right? You really think your organization is well equipped to handle something on this caliber?

They say they are but I'm willing to bet if things go south they'll just call me in, I can already smell it. Eh not like I have any room to object to it I'm only trained to follow orders not question them.

Soldiers in an untagged army, best way to describe the Safety Commission as a whole.

No kidding. Regardless, they want him, and if they want me to come in and oversee this thing then I ain't really got much of an option to say otherwise. Not really in the mood for an earful. Well, no time better than now as they say.

Who says that?

I don't even know I'm tired, I haven't had a good sleep in years. One of the side effects they don't tell you when joining the Commission. Alright, let's get this over with.


On one side of a room separated by a thick layer of glass, Hawks. And on the other side the Hero Killer himself, Stain. Locked down and strapped to a chair prohibiting him from making any kind of movement outside of his head.

"So, this is what it looks like to have the Hero Killer himself be strapped down to a giant chair in a giant room filled with giant machine guns." Hawks quipped, Stain doing nothing more than to stare through the glass with a glare. "You know how long we've been searching through every little nook and cranny just trying to find a guy like you? You're a hard man to pin down I'll give you that. Sucks I wasn't able to have fun in taking you down but at least you're here so now, hooray!"

"Save me your stupid lectures Hawks I have no intention of sitting here and listening to your drivel." Stain growled. "I'd much rather be back in my own cell and envision my blade cut clean through that dirty throat of yours than to sit here and listen."

"Well from the looks of it I'd say you don't really much else of a choice now do you? What with you being tied down like that with a bunch of guns pointed your way. You gonna, shimmy your way out of those restraints and sneak out of here or what?"

"I'd find a way if it meant not having to listen to you speak anymore. You fake."

"That's, a main reason as to why I wanted to come speak with you Stain. Let me ask you this question. You're pretty famous for going around the country and taking out heroes that YOU think are considered to be fake, people that are only in the business for the sake of racking up piles upon piles of cash with a side of glory on their plate. In a way, I'm kind of in the same boat as you. You've been in the game long enough to know what the Safety Commission is like and what we do so no doubt you probably have some idea as to what I'm going to ask of you. But in case you don't I'll help you out here.

Lovely Lady Nagant (IzukuxLadyNagant)Where stories live. Discover now