36: Still Who You Were

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"-and that pretty much sums up everything that's happened in the 15 chapters that you've been asleep. 'S a lot."

"I see." Midoriya replied to Kendo. Standing off to the side of the bed were Nagant's first year trio with the hero and the patient themselves sitting next to each other on the edge of the bed to face them, a heavy sigh circulating through the patient to help process everything that he's been informed of. "So, All Might really has stepped down from his place as number one then. That's...man."

"They made all the first years at U.A in the hero course take the Provisional Licenseing Exam just so they could put us on the front lines because of All Might's retirement." Kaminari added. "We didn't really have much time to prepare for it either, not after what happened during the training camp."

"What concerns me the most is the deterioration of your physical status from the lack of movement you've suffered during your coma." Yaoyorozu commented. "How long is the recovery time projected to be? Did they inform you of anything such as that?"

Midoriya chuckled. "Well, it definitely isn't going to be tomorrow I'll tell you that much. No, they haven't said anything about when they think I'll be out of here but I think we all know it isn't going to be for a while. Not only do I have to recover basic physical strength but I also have to get used to using my Quirk again on a regular basis. That's going to be the tricky part of it all. But if there was ever a place to hope for a speedy recovery in safety, I-Island would be the place right?"

"Yeahhhhh?" Kendo said. "The same I-Island where a bomb was planted inside of your hotel room and sent you into the coma that you just woke up from? That I-Island?"

".....so there might be some exceptions."

"You wouldn't want to transfer to a hospital near U.A?" Nagant asked with a hopeful tone. "Go back home and be around all your other friends? Recovery Girl too I'm sure she wouldn't mind spending a few trips to the place you're admitted to."

"Well, my friends are a reason as to why I don't want to transfer to a hospital back home."


"Whoever was responsible for this attack on us, it's obvious they didn't care about what happened to those who would be caught in the explosion. I could have died that night as horrible as it is to think about, but it's the truth. And if they're bold enough to go through with something like this on an island with security equivalent to Tartarus what chance do you think a regular hospital is going to have against people sneaking their way inside? A steal of some scrubs here, a plant of another bomb there and, well you know what would happen if something like that would occur. Innocent people would die because of a bomb that wasn't directed at them. I can't live with that.

I'm safe here, on the island. I know your confidences might be shaky because of what happened weeks ago but I'm not alone here. All Might called in some favors and throughout the entire coma somebody's been watching over me as a guardian angel of sorts. And if it's somebody that All Might himself has as a contact for this kind of job, well, I think it's easy to say that I could trust in them getting the job done. Not only that but depending on what comes next they might even help me with my training and recovery too. Being admitted into a hospital that's near all of my friends and close ones is nice and all but I'm better off here where there's more resources for me to make a faster recovery. I know the others might be itching to see me by now but staying here is my best move. It'll pay off in the end I promise."


Midoriya gave a side glance to his left where Nagant stared down at the floor with her shoulders sinking by the tiniest margin, a margin big enough for him to understand that wasn't the kind of answer she was hoping for. Humorously he puffed through his nose before looking back to his classmates. "I want to thank all three of you for taking the risk of joining Kaina in this investigation of her's, my gratitude goes out to Shinso and Hatsume as well. I'm happy in knowing that I have friends and classmates who are willing to go through some troubles if it means getting to the bottom of this whole ordeal, but, that's what's bothering me the most out of you guys. Having to go through some troubles, just because of me. Your efforts are best placed elsewhere like improving on your own training regimen and getting better with your Quirks, not having to break your backs for me.

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