III: Truth

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"In your own words, how would you describe these sessions that you've been having with him?"

"Boring." Nagant answered bluntly, with a dead look in her face and an even more emotionless tone in her voice. The prisoner sat across from a short man with a bushy grey mustache, a dark red wooden desk separating the two of them. Behind her were five guards armed to the teeth and waiting either for her to make a risky move or to transport her to and from her prison cell. "I think I have more fun staring at the wall of my cell than to be sitting in that bird cage for thirty minutes. Am I done here Warden?"

"The reports that we've received from the Commission state otherwise, Tsutsumi." The Warden stated with a sheet of paper held in his left hand at an angle for him to skim over. "Says here you've been showing some pleasant interactions with the student, having a few laughs here or there and giving him tips on how to be a better hero. So laughing is boring to you?"

"Considering people like Joke exist in this world who's able to make people laugh whenever she wants? Yeah. Laughter is boring."

"And the tips?"

"Just doing what U.A's clearly failing to do, I've got my reasons, though obviously I'm choosing not to tell you those reasons. When I first met Nezu a while back I thought he was a somewhat smart animal with the ability to point out even the little things. Word comes around that he's principal of U.A and I'll admit I was a bit skeptical but ultimately decided to just see how he runs things. Now? Tch, please. How is a student going to forget the presence of a villain right in front of him?"

"For that exact reason of course." The Warden said. "He's a student."

"It doesn't matter whether he's a student or not, when it comes to a villain he'll still be treated no differently than if he was a hero." Nagant commented. "If hero schools aren't preparing their students for the possibility that something could ever go wrong then they're not preparing them for what's right. The bed is made now lay on it."

"Interesting. For somebody who quote on quote doesn't care about hero society, you sure do seem to be caring about it."

"Society's a glass cup of water just waiting to be dropped. Once that glass breaks and the water starts to flow, there's no stopping it. As for me? I'll be watching that water from the comfort of own cell apparently. Fine by me. Rather that than to be re-initialized into the Commission."

"Is that what your belief is for this whole thing? That they intend to send you back out here as their former enforcer?"

Nagant smirked, the only sort of emotion she's displayed towards the Warden so far during their talk. "I'm not stupid Warden. I've played this game before don't think I don't know what the controls are. You could place a book written by the Commission in front of me and I could tell you the details without even opening it just by the color of the cover, they don't fool me.

Hawks thinks he's slick in bringing Midoriya here and having these 'therapy' sessions with me. Either the Commission is devolving or he was stupid all along, or maybe even both, but the moment I saw Midoriya alongside the organization I knew what the ruse was. They think that by introducing me to somebody with aspirations of being a pro hero they'll be able to rehabilitate me into my old ways and re-join them for whatever sort of dirty work they need to get done. I brought Hawks up with the sole intention of replacing me, and that's exactly what I've done. A charade of an amicable man covering up the dark truth with gentle smiles and friendly gestures. Who do you think taught him all that?

Not be rude, and to be as rude as possible at the same time, Midoriya's an idiot. Anybody with a brain that's sent into here by the Commission should've known that they're just a pawn in a human game of chess, and that they should've backed out right at the start."

Lovely Lady Nagant (IzukuxLadyNagant)Where stories live. Discover now