17: Hero

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"-okay stuffed animals, uh-huh, I brought those. Cards? Yeah I remember."


"Did I download enough movies? How long's the trip again? I think...yeah, yeah it should be enough. Hopefully."


"So what's the first thing we could do? The attractions-NO, the gift shops. Yeah, yeah that's probably a good start just to get a layout of what else we can do. THEN maybe the attractions if any."


"Might have to take into account the possibility of other heroes wondering why Tsutsumi would be there knowing she was arrested a while ago. Would they be hostile? Maybe but, only if they had some sort of business with her in the past or with the Safety Commission in general I'd have to keep an eye out and see if anybody is giving her dirty looks or mean gestures-"


"Wha?" Snapped out of his little bubble Midoriya whipped his head left and right to see Midnight along with Eraserhead staring at him, the other two teachers minding their business and looking off in the distance. It was empty out on a strip of a private airfield, the morning sun reaching near ascension of it's peak as a glossy black private jet sat behind them with it's boarding ramp down. It's finally here, the day of travel to I-Island's ramously renowned Open Expo. And already he was taking off on a spree of words with no pause for breaths or break in between. "S-Sensei?"

"Geez, so many things running through your mouth and mind you're gonna tire yourself out before we've even started." Midnight commented. "It's nice you're thinking about what's all to come but relax, take it easy. You'll only drive yourself crazy."

"Midnight's right, I would prefer if you didn't run your mind out of your head from your constant babbling. We need you here in the now, not later or in the past." Eraserhead added. "By the way, now that we're here there is something that I want to speak to you about Midoriya."


"You are responsible for the leadership of this escort, we understand that. We understand that any decision will fall on you to make and any choices to be made will be diverted to you for your judgement to consider. However, as your teachers and as pros with experience on the matter I speak for all of us when I say that if at any point you show signs that you can't handle the situation at hand, that your decisions are leading us down a worst case scenario, or anything involving keeping the prisoner contained within our perimeter, we will not hesitate to act out of our own accords. This is a highly important and highly vital operation that we are about to conduct and as much as it is good for you to understand and grasp the idea of how it feels to lead a team of heroes, we're also not going to just blindly follow your every order.

We're not intending for this to take power away from you you'll still be in absolute control over what you decide for us to do in terms of escorting the prisoner around the island. We only want you to understand that as pro heroes, we will do what we have to."

Midoriya nodded. "Yes, I understand that Sensei."

"Good. Now, quit babbling. You'll have plenty of time to think about what to do later as the day goes by but for now just calm down. Too early for you to keep talking anyways."

Lovely Lady Nagant (IzukuxLadyNagant)Where stories live. Discover now