43: All To Myself

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"We should hug him a lot."
"Yes hug him."
"But what if it's too much?"
"He'll tell me."
"We shouldn't come off as needy."
"But he's the best thing that's ever happened to us."
"What gift are you gonna get him?"
"I was thinking cookies."
"No get cupcakes instead."
"What about a cake with a heart on the frosting?"
"Even better."
"I was thinking of getting him a plushy too."
"He doesn't like plushies."
"But he had the All Might one back when he came to visit us at Tartarus."
"That was one not many."
"Still getting him a plushy."
"Make it big."
"Very big."
"No not too much."
"Enough to cuddle with."
"But he should cuddle with us instead."
"Does he even like cuddling?"
"I don't know...maybe?"
"I should find out."
"The upfront way."

'Never thought I'd see this day where I'd be watching something like this.' Midnight thought as she sat at the desk in Nagant's room with her legs crossed and a mug to her mouth. Sitting back and relaxing for a show like no other the teacher watched as the two Lady Nagants debated with each other whilst they both prepared a large suitcase that would be taken by one of the two to I-Island. Due to the both of them dressed in the exact same outfits of a basic white tee with black shorts she had no clue which of the women were the real or cloned version, not that it mattered. It was still better than any TV show she's ever seen. 'This is entertaining.'

"What flavor should the cake be?" One of the Nagants asked. "He likes chocolate, should I do something else?"

"Chocolate with white frosting." The other answered. "With a jelly filling inside."

"And chocolate covered strawberries on top."

"Six of them."

"No five."

"Seven four for him three for us."

"Good idea."

"Take one of his hoodies."


"Because remember what we saw on that TV show a while ago?"

"Oh yes I remember. But isn't that kinda corny and cliché?"

"Maybe, but then again it's Izuku's hoodie."

"We already have the one though."

"Let's make it two."

"Let's make it all of them."

"Good idea."

"*AHEM*. Ladies? If I may."

Both Nagants stopped in the suitcase and turned inside their opposite shoulders. "Huh?/Huh?"

"You both keep talking about what it is you want to do for Midoriya or what you plan on doing but I think it's appropriate I make you take a step back for a moment." Midnight said. "Do you even know how you're going to love him?"

"How I'm going to love him?" The Nagant on the left repeated while turning to face Midnight, the version on the right resuming to the suitcase on the bed. "Of course I know how I'm going to love him there's only one way I'd be able to love Izuku. And that's by showing him I'm going to be the best and only girlfriend he's ever going to need."


"What's so funny?"

"Ohhhh goodness, if I had a US penny for everytime I heard that I'd be the richest woman on the planet. So you just answered my question with your answer being, you have no clue."


"Kaina, you can't just love somebody in an ordinary fashion everybody has different ways of how they want to love their partner." Midnight explained. "In every relationship there's a sort of spark that must be kept going in order to keep the relationship warm and healthy. Otherwise if you don't, everything will crumble at the seams and there won't be anything there for the both of you to keep going. Which is why it's important to understand the most important rule of all when it comes to relationships: How to show your love and ways to show it.

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