II: Analytical

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"*Cough* *Cough*, ugh, excuse me. Young Midoriya, this is your third day in a row that you're coming out to see her. You're still just as excited?"

"Of course!" Midoriya replied from the back seat of the car as he, Tsukauchi, All Might and Gran Torino were on their way yet again to the prison of Tartarus. In the student's lap was one of his many hero guides, except this one held data entries specially relating to Lady Nagant. Including one of his famous sketches along with bulleted points on her body. "It's only been two days but I feel like she's taught me crucial information that I should remember later on down the line. First it was with my Quirk, then it was how I should always pay attention a villain's presence on the field."

"And here I thought you were already going to a school that teaches you that kinda stuff." Tsukauchi joked. "No surprise that a former hero would be showing you the ropes."

"But that's exactly why there should be at least some suspicion for this." Gran Torino noted. "If it were me, I wouldn't be handing out information on how to be a hero to some random kid that was brought up to me unless it served me a purpose. It's pretty obvious that Nagant might be doing this just to play along with the Commission and get what she wants."

"No doubt about that, though I feel like Hawks and his company would know when exactly she's pulling the strings on her own accord. She used to roll with them after all."

"Prisoners are crafty and sneaky little rats, even the good prisoners turn sour when it comes to what they want. I wouldn't put it past Nagant to be playing this game until they see that she's 'back to normal' per se. And then there's the question of what happens when she even returns to being 'normal'. They can't honestly expect her to just go back out there like nothing ever happened."

"Why was Nagant thrown in prison in the first place?" Midoriya asked. "I tried to look it up on the internet to find some answers but it all kept going back to how she killed a fellow hero. That can't be true, right? A hero killing another hero?"

The three adults all gave each other silent looks, neither of them speaking to the youngest for several moments which put several scary thoughts into Midoriya's head. Eventually, All Might would be the one to breach the silence by clearing his throat. "Uh, listen, Young Midoriya. I won't go too much into this since it's not in my place to explain this to you, if anything it's hers and hers alone. And that's if she's even willing to tell you about what she's done. But just know that heroes must do whatever they can to preserve the safety of this society. Even...Even if it means getting your hands dirty."


"Sorry about that." Midoriya apologized while reaching into a compartment on the right side of his utility belt and pulled out his phone. He took a quick glance to the caller ID and was surprised for a moment as to who called him before answering. "Hey Mom."

"Hello! Did you get the recipe I sent you?"

"Yeah I did, thanks." He replied while smiling down to the wrapped box on his left. "Luckily I had enough time to make it and wrap it up before I left, hopefully it turns out good."

"Who did you say it was for again?"

"Uh...myself, heh! Yeah, it's just a box for myself and nobody else."

"Really? But earlier you mentioned a name to me and I thought it would be for a friend or something."

"I don't remember."

"Huh, must've been my imagination then. Anyways honey, how's your internship going?"

"It's going real good." Midoriya answered. "I managed to get my Quirk under control on the first day, and I learned something important about villains on the second! I can't wait to see what else this week has in store for me."

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