33: Makes Him Special

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The Safety Commission President blinked twice and hard. "I apologize, my hearing must be going out from the lack of sleep accumulated over the weeks. You want to WHAT?"

"As I've stated, I intend on taking these three students underneath my wing as part of their Work Study program." Nagant repeated while she stood behind a file of three first years lined side by side each other. From left to right were Kaminari, Kendo and Yaoyorozu, each in their appropriate hero outfits and standing with shoulders tall and proper. "They seem like they hold a decent share of potential when it comes to being exceptional heroes, and they've all asked to study under my expertise for their first experience of a Study."

"My my, this is a rather interesting request if I'm being honest here. From what the records of the past have shown you've NEVER presented any student that you've shown any interest in training aside from Hawks who was mandatory. So why now? Why these three?"

"Yaoyorozu's Quirk is exceptional, however, her performance at the Sports Festival shows there is much to be desired when it comes to how she utilizes it properly. With proper supervision and advice she could become a great asset for this organization with a versatile skill set and a quick brain. Kendo shows exemplary leadership skills, skills that if honed under pressure could forge into somebody who's easily placed on the forefront of a leading position for hero teams down the line. And as for Kaminari, his proficiency with his electricity has jumped significantly since the Sports Festival. Though a bit brash and jumpy at times, he could be a good asset for operations to come.

Each of these students have their own personal reasons for wanting to study under me, however they share a common goal in wanting to bring out their potential from within to become the best form of what they can be. Work Study programs are not foreign to me, I understand the legislations and guidelines that must be followed in order for them to study under me. Besides, more hands means more people to fill in the gaps that plague this organization, right?"

The President squinted as she clicked her tongue inside her mouth, observing over each student to see if any would shudder or become uneasy under her gaze. None did. Though, there was something to be noted about the boy's sharp glare. "Very well then, if these three are to become temporary assets for the Safety Commission under your supervision then by all means, it's your game. Though, I trust you also know what each of these students must understand and be given as said assets, no? They are encroaching into a world foreign to what they've grown up with after all."

Nagant breathed deeply. "If I may request, ma'am, I personally see no need for these students to be fitted with standard issue Safety Commission armaments for the duration of their studies. They've come to learn the methods of how to become better heroes not-"

"If I remember correctly from the records I've glossed over it was you who suggested this idea quite some time ago due to training Agents being injured and or killed because they were missing this crucial piece of equipment. You were the one who instated this mandatory condition during your previous time and since then it has not changed for any circumstance, these who are studying to become a pro are not exempt from the rule. If they want to prepare for becoming a better hero they must become acclimated to objects and substances they may encounter later down the line of duty. It is a requirement."

"...I understand. They'll each be issued and trained with standard armaments in the event a critical emergency occurs."

"That's lovely to hear. Appropriate paperwork for each of the students will be filled out and transferred over to U.A, as well as documentation for pay stubs and what not."

"There is also another request that I am going to make before you today." Nagant continued. "It's been brought to my attention two Agents have been assigned to a task up north around Marble Docks in order to meet with a designated contact. I am requesting the task be handed over to me so that I may begin right away with these three."

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